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Recent content by Voi

  1. Voi

    Reviewed closed

    thank you
  2. Voi

    Reviewed closed

  3. Voi

    Reviewed Pov Request: ID 226578

  4. Voi

    Approved RDM , GR 6.16 | 305057 , 304974

  5. Voi

    Reviewed Pov Request | 294891

    can i see how i die
  6. Voi

    Approved Bug Abuse | 51186

    born alive using game bug then continued to join informal
  7. Voi

    Reviewed Bug Abuse | 95783

    Approved - Pov Request | ID : 111808 Using Spots only reachable through First-Person-View or Aim-Walking/-Turning are considered Bug-Abuse.
  8. Voi

    Rejected 95783/Bug Abuse

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/426209/#post-1557003 Using Spots only reachable through First-Person-View or Aim-Walking/-Turning are considered Bug-Abuse.
  9. Voi

    Reviewed Bug Abuse | 95783

    I want to see how you get on this roof
  10. Voi

    Reviewed POV Request |0000

    show us
  11. Voi

    Reviewed POV Request |0000

    don't blame anyone without proof
  12. Voi

    Approved RDM | 103045

  13. Voi

    Rejected RDM I ID:128580,117307

  14. Voi

    Rejected RDM I ID:128580,117307

  15. Voi

    Rejected Pov Request | 202906

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