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Recent content by Lezen Payne

  1. Lezen Payne

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

    need POV
  2. Lezen Payne

    Rejected Close

  3. Lezen Payne

    On consideration ER 1.11 | 107496

    all in POV
  4. Lezen Payne

    Reviewed Not Reviewing | All Admins

    I post on 3-june-2024 and no one is Reviewing. Thanks in Advance ♥
  5. Lezen Payne

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

    Need Pov of this guy
  6. Lezen Payne

    Rejected Ban For Bribing | Ashish Pluxury

    In the Evidences or Screenshots provided I have never ever asked for any bribe or offered any bribe by my self, No where it is seen in the proofs that I was asking or offering anything, I said here for the sake of a conversation, I did not say here that I will give you money in the game or in...
  7. Lezen Payne

    Rejected Attempting to Bribe | Ashish Pluxury

    In the Evidences or Screenshots provided I have never ever asked for any bribe or offered any bribe by my self, No where it is seen in the proofs that I was asking or offering anything, I said here for the sake of a conversation, I did not say here that I will give you money in the game or in...
  8. Lezen Payne

    Approved VDM | 105002

    all in POV
  9. Lezen Payne

    Rejected Close

  10. Lezen Payne

    Rejected Possible Cheats | 146763

    Full POV Of Event 👈
  11. Lezen Payne

    Rejected Possible Cheats | 146763

    all in POV as you can see he is hitting 2 bullets of revolver and dead Possible Cheats.
  12. Lezen Payne

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

    i wanna know how he killed me
  13. Lezen Payne

    Reviewed Mass rule break I FIB

    Dont Close bro
  14. Lezen Payne

    Reviewed Attempting to Bribe | Ashish Pluxury

    In the Evidences or Screenshots provided I have never ever asked for any bribe or offered any bribe by my self, No where it is seen in the proofs that I was asking or offering anything for ingame money, clothes , cars or anything else or for that matter no irl things were neither asked nor...
  15. Lezen Payne

    Rejected I Will Miss You Grand RP 🙂

    Lebron How Are and Sam bro I am Getting Ban for Toxic Players In EN 2 So I am Leaving the Grand RP And I know and all knows its Best RP Server but there are lots of toxic Players and I did lots of Fun With Admins and EN 2 Good Players Have a Good Day Chief and Deputy Chief and Dear Admins...
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