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Recent content by JeanUmehara

  1. JeanUmehara

    Rejected Ban for Event Rules 1.7 | Mazhor Pluxury

    Honestly I have no idea that I must have POV for bunker events too. Normally I thought it's for family events only. I've been loyal to this game for almost 2 years now, never in my mind that I would want to cheat. I've invested my blood and time to this wonderful project of yours. I have...
  2. JeanUmehara

    Approved RDM | 179290

    Was minding my own business, this guy from the neighborhood kept killing me for no reason but this time I had enough of him. Don't mind the music in the background.
  3. JeanUmehara

    Rejected RDM | 179290

    Was minding my own business, this guy from the neighborhood kept killing me for no reason but this time I had enough of him. Don't mind the music in the background.
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