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Recent content by madd dog

  1. M

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Vagos | Deigo Skyline

    Good luck diego
  2. M

    Approved FEAR RP MIXING | 318911, 372029

    what are you talking bout, what mixing and what fear rp, we literally were 2 guys against you with guns+ you were talking fl in rp situation
  3. M

    Approved RDM | 165567

    also, im 90% ur using some kinds of aim assist
  4. M

    Approved RDM | 165567

    its :57, moreover, you can't initiate attack without issuing demands
  5. M

    Approved RDM | 165567

    also can you please pc check him
  6. M

    Rejected RDM possible cheating | 165567

    rdm also , all the people with high probability of cheats , i always get sent directly to hospital i don't get knocked out ( he came back he was heavy snipering didnt miss a shot close range ,, not a single one )
  7. M

    Approved corruption without a bio , NLR , RDM , mixing , UB orders , fail rp | 364747 378931 292927 327747

    Hello, Dear admin, I hope my report finds you good, This POV documents multiple instances of rule violations, starting with corruption without a bio to mixing. Below, I have listed the specific moments when rules were violated. You are welcome to watch the entire POV for a comprehensive...
  8. M

    Rejected mass rule breaking | 364747 378931 292927 327747

    Hello, Dear admin, I hope my report finds you good, This POV documents multiple instances of rule violations, starting with corruption without a bio to mixing. Below, I have listed the specific moments when rules were violated. You are welcome to watch the entire POV for a comprehensive...
  9. M

    Approved MK | 364496

    also his friend id 385083 was mk another guy that was dead there
  10. M

    Approved MK | 364496

    Mk also he said npc to me idk if thats conjsidered ooc insult
  11. M

    Approved bug abuse, fail rp talking while dead | 320771 352744

    im not saying it's you that's initiated it brother, but you and your fam members definitely were willing to take advantage of the raid system, also keep in mind that in that day, you tried (not you in person, u and your fam members) to take our solars like 3 times but you failed, so your last...
  12. M

    Approved bug abuse, fail rp talking while dead | 320771 352744

    you were 3 bro, 3 of you left on accident?
  13. M

    Approved bug abuse, fail rp talking while dead | 320771 352744

    Then can you explain why did you initiate a raid and then left the raid zone , you took advantage of the raiding system that hide the solars since its in the raid zone ,
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