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Recent content by AbhishekSharmaji

  1. A

    Rejected Admin Application | Abhi Boff

    Information 1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): Yes (19) 2. Time zone: (GMT +5:30) 3. Daily time active on the server: (10:00 AM - 17:00 PM)) 4. Average online per week (40-50 Hours) 5. Your Discord ID: abhi887j 6. Your characters' name (IC): Abhi Boff 7. Your ingame ID : 362261 8. Your ingame...
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    Rejected Leader Of EMS | Abhi Boff

    Personal Information Real Name: Abhishek Kumar Age: I’m 19 years old. Time Zone: You’ll find me in the UTC+5:30 time zone. Average Online Time Per Day: I’m usually online for about 7-8 hours each day. Discord Handle: Feel free to reach out to me on Discord as abhi887j. In-Game Nickname: Most...
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    Rejected Leader of EMS | Nabs West

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    Rejected Leader Of EMS | Abhi Boff

    Personal Information Real Name: Abhishek Kumar Age: I’m 19 years old. Time Zone: You’ll find me in the UTC+5:30 time zone. Average Online Time Per Day: I’m usually online for about 7-8 hours each day. Discord Handle: Feel free to reach out to me on Discord as abhi887j. In-Game Nickname: Most...
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    Rejected Leader of EMS | Mike Henderson

    Best of luck 🍀
  6. A

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Vagos | Abhishek Boff

    Information 1. Your name IRL : ABHISHEK KUMAR 2. Your age: 24 3. Time zone: +5:30 GMT 4. Average online per day: 7-8 HOURS IN A DAY 5. Your Discord : abhi887j 6. Your Nickname : Abhi Boff 7. Your ID : 362261 Additional information 1. Leader of Los santos Vagos 2. Why do you want to be a...
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    Rejected Leader of EMS | Dave Onjuh

    Hello deserve this
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