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Recent content by Jessie Bird

  1. Jessie Bird

    Rejected Ridiculous Punishments

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to deny this report Next time please follow our format Fines are IC, for complaints go to the relevant government org Your fine, in this case, was given for home insurance. Go to gov/capitol to extend your insurance to avoid more fines. These fines are...
  2. Jessie Bird

    Rejected Ridiculous Punishments

  3. Jessie Bird

    Reviewed Mass RDM | State Orgs

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided: -id 99236 will receive a punishment for RDM
  4. Jessie Bird

    Reviewed Mass RDM | State Orgs

    Upon reviewing the evidence I cannot conclude the report at this time. -Requesting POV from id 99236 id 99236 has 6 hours to do so.
  5. Jessie Bird

    Reviewed Mass RDM | State Orgs

  6. Jessie Bird

    Rejected mass rule break |state orgs

    Closed upon request of the OP
  7. Jessie Bird

    Rejected mass rule break |state orgs

    On consideration
  8. Jessie Bird

    Rejected Doxing

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to deny this report -This is the reporting section for EN2 EN2 does not have IDs as high as 200K+, please double check which server this happened on and put the report in the correct section
  9. Jessie Bird

    Rejected Doxing

  10. Jessie Bird

    IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

    LSPD Leader applications are now closed. Interview participants will be announced soon. Thank you to everyone who applied.
  11. Jessie Bird

    IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

    Any off-topic messages will result in a forum ban off-topic = anything that is not an application If you want to 'vouch' you can use the built-in emoji reaction system
  12. Jessie Bird

    Reviewed Multiple RuleBreaks | LSPD-SAHP

    Closed upon request of the OP
  13. Jessie Bird

    Reviewed Multiple RuleBreaks | LSPD-SAHP

    On consideration
  14. Jessie Bird

    Reviewed RP in admin situation | 77368

    Closed as requested by OP
  15. Jessie Bird

    IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

    The following players have been chosen for the LSPD leader interview: Lavi Pluxury - Wonder Man#6690 - 11063 Dell Akatsuki - ǃ TRΔP NB#7150 - 87300 Ashley Pluxury - INTRO GAMER#9785 - 93571 Nezar Federal - NM/00#9650 - 75279 The interviews will be held on Sunday, April 30th at 13.00 city time.
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