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Recent content by Lachlan Atlas

  1. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Warn for fear rp | Lachlan Ace | 6354 | Hemanth Pluxury

    Hello bobby About my warning for fear rp. I am so sorry and i had no idea that was fear rp, I thought that fear rp was when people put guns at you and they werent doing that so i ran. I had no idea that was fear rp thats why i ran, If you can pls try and see my side of things Thanks and have...
  2. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Warn for fear rp | Lachlan Ace | 6354 | Hemanth Pluxury

    Pls tell me if this was fear rp non of them where pointing guns. At the end so i ran.
  3. Lachlan Atlas

    Reviewed Marabunta Massrule break

    Close forum!! Pls
  4. Lachlan Atlas

    Reviewed Marabunta Massrule break

    There was a store so we put a global to meet up and gather numbers. When it was time to go in we went to the front to talk to them because we didn't know if they had a hostage or what and then they started shooting. All in pov
  5. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Ban for admin disrespect | Sunil Reddiee | 6354

    Hello bobby My name is Lachlan Atlas and i was banned about 4 days ago for admin disrespect. I am so sorry to this admin and to the admin team for saying go fuck yourselves I wasn't thinking right and said something i shouldn't have. Pls unbanned me and forgive me this one time it has been 4...
  6. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Ban for admin disrespect | Sunil Reddiee | 6354

    Hello admins My name is Lachlan Atlas ID 6354 and i was banned a couple days ago for admin disrespect. I am so sorry to the admins for saying go fuck yourself, if you could forgive me and unbanned me. I have been really bored on my free time not being able to play grand rp, If you could...
  7. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Unbanned appeal | Lachlan Atlas | 6354

    Hello admins So recently i got banned for admin disrespect and I admit I did disrespect them by saying go fuck yourself. I am sorry for saying this and I am not trying to say that you should unbanned me because I was having a bad day! But here is what happened so I was out ghetto clapping and...
  8. Lachlan Atlas

    Approved Leader of Families | Karim Atllas

    Good luck!!!
  9. Lachlan Atlas

    Approved Leader of Families | Karim Atllas

    Would be Great leader! He has been Deputy Bloods, Deputy of vagos and is deputy of marabunta. Just letting you know he is the best marabunta deputy and has helped me to get deputy myself. Good luck my boy. Best leader!!!
  10. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Racism | 25989

    More pov of rule breaks
  11. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Racism | 25989

    Me and my friend harry atlas were ghetto clapping. This is when moly mandam and harry atlas started fighting, this guy than started taking it to the next level than said this... All in POV
  12. Lachlan Atlas

    Reviewed Leader of Bloods | Karim Atlas

    Best leader always is leading marabunta. Big ++ from me. Give him leader
  13. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Leader of Ballas | Karim Atllas

    ++ Would be great leader!!! He has been Deputy of vagos., Deputy of Bloods.
  14. Lachlan Atlas

    Approved Unwarn appeal |Zessy pluxury | 6354

    Hello dear admins so my name is lachlan atlas and I recently got a warning for CL but I didn’t combat log I just lost connection along with 2 other people 6825 and 8465. 8465 has already provided his pov and got his warn removed. But I am still a bit confused on how we all lost connection at the...
  15. Lachlan Atlas

    Rejected Unwarn appeal | 6354

    Pls close wrong place
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