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Recent content by Matthew Astoria

  1. Matthew Astoria

    IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

    B I have now provided the DOJ signatures required
  2. Matthew Astoria

    IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

    I have approval from AG and SCJ, I just don't have signatures because it was explained I don't need to have them. I already passed my interview also.
  3. Matthew Astoria

    Approved CR | 367638

    All In POV
  4. Matthew Astoria

    IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

    L&JP Liberty & Justice Party "For Freedom and Fairness, Together We Stand" Liberty and Justice Party was formed in May 2024 Our Objectives and Campaign Promises: First: Corruption needs to be eradicated within the state, we promise to fight corruption and clean up the state, making sure...
  5. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Leader of National Guard | Sadi Ivedik

    A natural born leader. NG would flourish under his command.
  6. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Fail RP Admin Deception | 238136 341267

    0.31 of your POV shows I told you I would be searching you.
  7. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Fail RP Admin Deception | 238136 341267

    You have literally posted POV of the situation. You can work that one out.
  8. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Fail RP Admin Deception | 238136 341267

    So you was not sleeping before that point in the backroom?
  9. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Fail RP Admin Deception | 238136 341267

    The officer who came to process you. Why, if you were sleeping, is your POV only from being in the backroom?
  10. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Fail RP Admin Deception | 238136 341267

    Why does your POV only show from when the FIB arrived?
  11. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Fail RP Admin Deception | 238136 341267

    As Director, and your superior, I asked you for your ID to clear the matter up, you rejected my command. You were handcuffed and searched. Refusing to engage when you had been a moment earlier. You were fired for corruption and carrying prohibited items. The FIB officer calls the gods because...
  12. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Fail RP Admin Deception | 238136 341267

    So you was not inside the gates trying to purchase a gun license with a wanted level?
  13. Matthew Astoria

    Rejected Fail RP Admin Deception | 238136 341267

    You have it in your POV. Either way you were aware of your actions. You were not sleeping when RP started, you started sleeping when an FIB officer arrived.
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