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Recent content by Samir_Versace

  1. Samir_Versace

    Approved CR + RDM | ID 328061

    the id 328061 just cr me from green zone and rdm me ALL IN POV
  2. Samir_Versace

    Approved Leader of EMS | Lucifer Watson

    best EMS leader
  3. Samir_Versace

    Approved CR(car ramming)|271629

    i was near my fam house this guy id 271629 was doing CR with me he killed me first time and then also do again again
  4. Samir_Versace

    Rejected Thugs | Unofficial Organization

    Thugs family is really good. They help each other. They teach me all right ways.❤️❤️Thugs on TOP!!!
  5. Samir_Versace

    Rejected Thugs | Unofficial Organization

  6. Samir_Versace

    Approved Leader Of EMS | Doc Dang

    ++ u will win my brooo
  7. Samir_Versace

    Reviewed POV Request || ID 142006

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