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Yagiz Warrior

Forum Warrior
Jan 16, 2022
Org: FIB
Name: Yagiz Warrior
Gender: Male
Age: 91
Nationality: Turkish
Place of Birth: United Kingdom
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: White
Tattoos: Left hand, Right Hand, Left leg
Strengths: Good shooter , Good leader , Thinking fast ,
Weakness: Become mad over small things , overthinker , bad pilot , Impatient

Life Story:
Yagiz, a warrior loyal to the Fib clan, was born amidst the swirling sands of the desert. From the moment he drew his first breath, it was clear that he was destined for greatness. Raised in the traditions of his people, Yagiz learned the ways of the warrior from his elders, absorbing their wisdom like a sponge.As he grew, Yagiz's skill with a blade became legendary among the Fib. His movements were like poetry in motion, fluid and deadly. But Yagiz was more than just a skilled fighter; he was a protector, a guardian of his people's way of life.With each passing year, Yagiz took on greater responsibilities within the clan, earning the trust and respect of his peers. He led countless raids against rival clans, always emerging victorious thanks to his strategic brilliance and unwavering determination.Yagiz's true test came when the Fib faced their greatest threat yet—a relentless enemy bent on their destruction. In the face of overwhelming odds, Yagiz rallied his fellow warriors, leading them into battle with a courage that knew no bounds.Through countless skirmishes and bloody conflicts, Yagiz remained steadfast in his commitment to the Fib. He fought not for glory or riches, but for the survival of his people and the preservation of their way of life.And in the end, it was Yagiz's leadership and unwavering resolve that carried the Fib through their darkest hour. Though scars marred his body and sorrow weighed heavily on his soul, Yagiz emerged victorious, a true hero of the desert.

Career Story:

Yagiz's career as a warrior for the Fib clan began with promise and dedication, but it took a dark turn as corruption crept into the heart of his once noble cause. Born into a proud lineage of fighters, Yagiz was raised on the principles of honor and duty, taught to defend his people with unwavering loyalty. However, as he rose through the ranks of the Fib clan, he found himself ensnared in a web of corruption that threatened to tarnish everything he held dear.At first, Yagiz's intentions were pure. He fought valiantly on behalf of the Fib, earning respect and admiration for his skill and bravery on the battlefield. But as he climbed the ladder of power within the clan, he became increasingly aware of the underhanded dealings and illicit schemes that fueled its expansion.Caught between his sense of duty and the allure of power, Yagiz found himself drawn deeper into the murky world of corruption. He turned a blind eye to injustices and atrocities committed in the name of the Fib, rationalizing his actions as necessary for the greater good.As his influence within the clan grew, so too did the reach of corruption. Yagiz became complicit in bribery, extortion, and manipulation, sacrificing his principles in pursuit of personal gain. The once proud warrior found himself consumed by greed and ambition, betraying the very values he had sworn to uphold.But the consequences of Yagiz's choices were grave. As corruption spread like a poison throughout the Fib clan, it weakened their unity and exposed them to external threats. Ultimately, Yagiz's downfall came not from the blade of an enemy, but from the erosion of trust and honor within his own ranks.In the end, Yagiz's career as a warrior for the Fib clan was a cautionary tale of the dangers of corruption and moral compromise. Though he may have once been a hero in the eyes of his people, his legacy would forever be tainted by the stain of betrayal and deceit.

1- Yagiz can take bribes. ( up to 100k and illegal items on the suspect )
2- Yagiz can smash and break bodycams. ( /try 2 times per situation )
3- Yagiz can engage in any type of criminal activities if he feels to.
4- Yagiz can frighten and disrespect anyone as gang members do. (Keeping in mind toxicity, Gen 6.10 and 6.19)
5- Yagiz can take contracts or start random prison breaks due to his mental issues. ( with Darknet task or using USB )
6- Yagiz can break IC Laws and able to use his position in FIB.
7- Yagiz can deny and lie about calling a lawyer and refuse to provide any type of identification.
8- Yagiz can use truth serum on suspect for get true information. ( /try 2 times per situation )
9- Yagiz can torture people if they dont follow his demands and if there is a life threating situation for himself he can protect himself and kill the suspect. ( with proper RP )
10- Yagiz can sell, buy or use any type of weapons for his personal safety and profit. ( exception, gears from FIB )

Ruby Specter

We Get What We Deserve
Senior Administrator
Sep 1, 2022

Outcome 3 - You can only break IC laws
Outcome 5 - Once a Day
Outcome 9 - you can not kill your 10-15 you still care for his life find other corrupt ways to hide your identity

All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC !!
Enjoy your bio and do not break any server rules.
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