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Lucio Escobar

Leader of Lifeinvader.
Nov 5, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Ishaan Sarkar
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT (+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 6-10 hours
5. Your Discord: lucio_escobar
6. Your Nickname: Lucio Escobar
7. Your ID: 44513


1. Leader of: Lifeinvader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

: As a member of lifeinvader, i understand the responsibilities the organization holds. I am confident that i am capable enough to take on the responsibilities.
: I have been working for Lifeinvader since 5 terms and this has become my passion more than my profession. I am confident that i can take the organization's growth to a new horizon with the passion i have for this organization.
: As i am a head of a department in Lifeinvader, i am confident that i can build a team of motivated and hardworking citizens who can set an example for the organization
and help me and the organization to complete our goals.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Ads Team

Since the time i have beed working under this organization, i have realized that i need to focus on the staff that work during the night. I have observed that the
organization is have to face a lot of problems during the night shift. I have planned to create a team that work not only during the day but also at night. I will appoint
higher officials from different time zones so that there is also someone to help and guide the staff under this department so that the mistakes made by the staffs are

I have planned on working on the HR team as well. I will appoint HR from different time zones who will be available to give training to the new employees and make
sure that the employee does not have to wait to take on the training. I also wanna make a team who guide the applicants through the testing process.

Creative Team

My experience under creative department was fantastic. Our creative team is already very good but yes there are some problems and i am looking foward to solve
them. I have planned to hire more staffs for this department. I am looking forward on creating a team who will be capable to look after all the tickets that are created in
the organization's mail.

I look forward to host quality events along with quantity. I have planned to inform the citizens of Los Santos about our events aleast two to three days prior to the event
so that there are more participents for our events. I also look forward to make a team who are specialized in interviews, articles, hosting events, posters, video editing
and writing of CNN's and broadcasts. I look forward to build a good bond with LSPD,FIB, NG and SAHP so that they can provide security so that we do not face any chaos
during the event.

Journalism Team

The journalism team is a bit inactive since the last term. I have planned to make a team with motivated staffs who will be ready to put their time and effort into this
department. I am looking forward to deliver quality articles to the citizens of Los Santos.

4. Goals during the Leadership

: Create a friendly envirnment for the staffs.
: Create a team with hardworking and motivated employees for every department
: Make Lifeinvader a corruption free organization again.
: Host quality events.
: Focus on interviews with the leaders of other organizations.

I would like to conclude by telling that i am not going to a be a biased leader. I am going to respect my team's efforts towards the organization and always keep my staffs motivated.

Thanking you and wish that you have a great day ahead! Lucio Escobar❤️


Sylvia Som

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Nov 2, 2021
You have been selected for the LI Leadership Interview!

Interviews will be held tomorrow, April 12th, 2024
Please contact Sylvia Som on Discord (ilvysmch) to schedule
Failure to show for the interview will result in automatic rejection of your application
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