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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Darkov alobeidii
Administrators nickname
lebron pluxury
May 6, 2024

darkov alobeidi

Aug 17, 2021

i wake up to day and i was surprised that i got blacklisted from the server for abusing script !!!!!!
I've been playing on the server since 05.11.2021 Which is the first day of the server My ID 273

I already had 90m I don't care about in game money But I have spent a lot of time on the server
do you think after all this time I will risk my account ?????? Of course no
I am very careful with the rules

After I asked, I knew that the reason for the ban is The lottery tickets

First of all I did not abuse any script.
ppl told me that there are some 24/7 selling the lottery tickets for 5k each
Because they set low prices in their shops You even can check it by yourself
If the prices of the shop low you will pay 5k and if it's high u will pay 10k for each

So it is normal I bought from stores that sell at cheap prices !!!
Let's be honest here you know and i know that was your mistake i mean the developer mistake

as player how can i know that there is something wrong???????
I'm not sure of this But someone told me you did only place an announcement on EN1
Do you just care about EN 1 players what about us?

You didn't even put on announcement for us and tell us buying lottery tickets is prohibited
Why you didn't do that ?????? Idk........
It is not acceptable To punish the players for the developer mistakes

Instead of banning all these people You can tell the developer about it and the developer can fix this in less than an hour Or put an announcement at least.!!!!! But you left it for 4 days

What you did was you destroyed the server By Banning 75% of the Active players

sorry for that but this is the truth

i hope you going to reconsider this decision
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