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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Lebron Pluxury
May 6, 2024

Megszi Hawkins

Jul 3, 2023
Dear Lebron Pluxury!
I got permanent banned today from the city.

I know it looks like I've done something wrong but I didn't know that I was doing anything wrong, I always from time to time when I save up my money I go buy a bunch lottery tickets to try and get the diablo. its something that I always wanted and today came and as usual bought a bunch of lottery tickets and i didn't look at the price cause I really don't look at it when I buy those tickets. if you can check my logs and see how much tickets I buy in the past you'll see I buy a lot.

i didn't know there was a bug in the pricing of lottery tickets and I didn't see any announcements posted about this situation, after I've bought today I saw people were saying don't buy tickets they broken but I've already bought, so how am I supposed to know about this.

I've been a clean player for a very long time and I always follow the rules. mistakes were made accidently and this situation was done at a wrong time cause really I didn't know something was broken in the city.

id really appreciate if you take the time and look further into my history and see that my mistake is an innocent mistake.

if you need to question me about anything id gladly answer.

kind regards Megszi Big ID.78860
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