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Approved Unbann Appeal Lottery Bugabuse ID: 61503 | @Mazhor

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Sascha Luve
May 8, 2024

Nico Treter

Feb 19, 2023
Your ID: 56638
The name of the admin who sanctioned you: Sascha Luve
What sanction did you get, what was the penalty? 60 days bugabuse lottery Mazhor
Proof in the form of video material or pictures (in the best case also your POV):
How did the situation come about and what happened?

Hi, I was banned for the lottery tickets for no reason because I bought lottery tickets for 5000€ a few days ago where the update came and about I opened some because I was neither pointed out nor was there any announcement in the grand Discord about it, I just opened them like my friends. After the day I bought them I didn't buy or open any more. On the servers like DE01 and EN01 you were banned after an announcement in the Grand Discord and here on DE03 there was not even an announcement about it because I thought if it is forbidden on DE01 and EN01 I better not open any more. I did and didn't open any more so I'm wondering why I'm banned?

Nico Treter

Feb 19, 2023
Your ID: 56638
The name of the admin who sanctioned you: Sascha Luve
What sanction did you get, what was the penalty? 60 days bugabuse lottery Mazhor
Proof in the form of video material or pictures (in the best case also your POV):
How did the situation come about and what happened?

Hi, I was banned for the lottery tickets for no reason because I bought lottery tickets for 5000€ a few days ago where the update came and about I opened some because I was neither pointed out nor was there any announcement in the grand Discord about it, I just opened them like my friends. After the day I bought them I didn't buy or open any more. On the servers like DE01 and EN01 you were banned after an announcement in the Grand Discord and here on DE03 there was not even an announcement about it because I thought if it is forbidden on DE01 and EN01 I better not open any more. I did and didn't open any more so I'm wondering why I'm banned?
sorry for the 2 screenshots my bad
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