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Max Broddy

May 12, 2023
Your name IRL: Max Zavid
Your age (OOC): 22
Time zone + country: CET (Germany)
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 15:00 to 23:00
Average online per day(hours): 6-7 hrs weekend +
Your Discord ID: @m1ww
Your characters' name (IC): Max Broddy
Your in game ID: 70922
Your in game level: 10, but i am level 40 in en2 , if its important about to know the rules !
Languages spoken: English, Arabic, German, and Kurdish
What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): I know the rules of both well !

Additional information

1.Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

I want to become an admin because I want to help keep the server running smoothly by enforcing the rules. I think I can make the server a better place and I know how things work here.

2.What are your strengths?

Languages: I can speak English, Arabic, German, and Kurdish, which helps me talk to different people-
German (Fluent) , English ( Good Level ) , Arabic ( Good Level ) , Kurdish ( Fluent ).
Conflict Resolution: I'm good at solving problems and conflicts calmly and nicely.
Interacting with People: I can deal with people easily and make connections quickly.
Fast Learner: I pick up new things really quickly.

3.What are your weaknesses?

I often prefer working alone because I find I can concentrate better that way. While I can work in a group, I generally enjoy and perform best when working independently.

4.What skills can you bring to the admin team?

communication and organizational skills , problem sloving

5.Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

I do not own a business but if I had one I would be ready to sell it

6.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

7.Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?

I have good knowledge about the Questions or problems. In addition to being able to help new players, I can also help or supervision organizations or streamers or events and anything else. I’m sure I can !

Emad Pluxury

Senior Curator of Support
Senior Administrator
Apr 24, 2022
Not looking for admins with your specifications.​
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