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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Sadi Ivedik
Administrators nickname
Satriko Narcos
May 20, 2024

Sadi Ivedik

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
Sep 2, 2023
Dear admins,

I have been punished for thread 700784, where there is a 16 second clip of me (combat logging). This is simply not the case if you had asked for full POV of the situation I had apparent black magic as my internet connection suddenly went awful and I had an increase in ping. I had a connecton lost error followed by a crash which can be shown within your Admin Panel I am sure. However if somebody who was looking more objectively at this case and not just at a 16 second clip, I came back 40 seconds after ( combat logging ) as you call it. I have not done it before and do not have a past history of punishment. The fact a 16 seconds pov is accepted instead of a 1 minute clip and approved is beyond me. I have been here in the amazing Grand RP for a long period of time and am well aware of the rules. I request this to be looked into and I complain of possible bias that has lead to no further clip being shown. The context was we were doing a caravan and the PICKLE family rammed my truck leading to an fps and a ping crash! They did CR on our caravan which can be shown if you had asked for just 40 seconds more of their clip.

Sadi Ivedik

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
Sep 2, 2023
You can as well see me dropping fried trout since I was having insane fps drop / ping increase. Why else would I Drop a fried fish on the ground.

Very Saulgoodman

Jul 31, 2022
last my 1 min sry dude if u have more pov u can put it thats all i have. maybe u get pc issue idk but u can put ur pov to be clear ur situation.

Sadi Ivedik

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
Sep 2, 2023
last my 1 min sry dude if u have more pov u can put it thats all i have. maybe u get pc issue idk but u can put ur pov to be clear ur situation.
I had a pc issue my pov got corrupted, nevertheless you can see in your original pov me dropping fish which is not really something anyone would do. I was having clear lag spikes which admin overlooked. I believe a full 1 minute should have been requested

. It is alright happens to the best of us, I still claim my innocence in this case.

James Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
May 2, 2021
You did not drop fish, it was stolen by pickpocketing, we can not remove warn without your own POV​
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