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Search results

  1. R

    Rejected Cheats | 363449

    I was parked and suddenly my car exploded and I was dead.
  2. R

    Rejected GOV | Corrupt Bio | Robby Mackenzie | 216059

    Name: Robby Mackenzie Gender: M Age: 27 ooc 37 ic Race: Caucasian/white Nationality: Canadian Place of Birth: Fort Mac, AB Sexuality: Straight Weight: 162lb Height: 5'9 Eye color: blue Hair color: brown Tattoos: none Strengths: i can communicate very well, i speak english and spanish...
  3. R

    Rejected USSS Corrupt Bio | Robby Mackenzie | 216059

    Name : Robby Mackenzie Age: 27 ooc 37 in IC Nationality : Canadian Place of Birth: Fort McMurray AB Sexuality : Straight Eye Color : Blue Hair Color : Dirty Blonde Tattoos : None Strength : excellent at communicating with people, great leadership , love to help to people, basically willing to...
  4. R

    Karin Karuma Evo X

    I've been playing this game for over 2 years on EN 1, and you finally added it! I've been asking for it for ages on all your youtube videos on the channel. Come to find out, i need the premium plus battlepass to even get a chance at winning it because its random. And you cant even Buy/Sell it ...
  5. R

    Rejected Admin Application | Robby McKenzie

    1. Your name IRL -Aaron 2. Your age -26 3. Time zone -CST 4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) -12:00PM- 12:00PM 5. Average online per day -6 hours 6. Your Discord -wutang#9450 7. Your Nickname -Robby Mckenzie 8. Your ID...
  6. R

    Reviewed cheats

    shooting a taser from a bike at us , he said he was doing it because he thought it was funny for him. and also we tried to tase him and shoot him and he took no damage
  7. R

    Rejected ID| 182370 -CL during arrest

    this guy and his friends started shooting at me and my agents while we were in capital, managed to chase him down and put him in cuffs but he left the city.
  8. R

    Rejected got accused of rdm when i didnt kill anyone!

    i was standing at the beach with this guy and some dude comes up and pulls a revolver out and points it at him, so i pulled out a weapon to protect him, but he thought the guy was with me so he killed both of us and ran away. how am i the one thats being blamed for rdm? i dont know any of those...
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