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  1. adi tech12

    Rejected Warning for GR 6.2 | Hassan Error

    Dear admin got warning for CL got i but it more then 25 min he didn't process me and and from last 45 min my electricity got cut i say admin anvy sir to process me fast thank you and please remove my warning
  2. adi tech12

    Rejected GR 6.3 & GR 1.9 | 65555 66753

    Dear Admin, The Following Player's Were Violating The GR 6.3 & GR 1.9 As Clearly Seen in The POV. They Also Did RDM & Must Get Punishment For The Same. One of Them Also SAID The F Word. The Punishment Shall Be Issued To The Following ID's: 65555 66753 Thanks & Regards, Adi Leos ID: 54696
  3. adi tech12

    Rejected My discord got recovery

    Good morning My discord got hacked it now i have recovery it now can you unban me form all org server . And i done fourm also id 48633 The admin can't able to understand my problem i am saying discord was recovery its hacked and now i have recovery. Thank you
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