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  1. I

    Approved Unban Appael GR1.1 I Alex ODD

    Dear Alex or/and Mazhor, I hope you're having a wonderful day. Regarding my ban for 1.1, my story is as follow: It's been almost two years since I first joined this project, but back then, my English wasn't very strong, and I wasn't fully aware of all the rules. To keep up with tasks like...
  2. I

    Rejected Unban Appael GR1.1 I Alex ODD

    Dear Alex or/and Mazhor, Almost 2 years ago, when I started on this project, I didn't know all the rules because my English wasn't great. So, I used my friends' accounts to help with tasks like the battle pass. I didn't realize it was against the rules until later when my English got better. I...
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