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Search results

  1. K

    Approved Pov Request - ID 35921

    Pov req as i was shot through wall
  2. K

    Approved Event rule 1.18 - id 27491

    All in pov
  3. K

    Approved CL / ID 12083

    in da clip
  4. K

    Rejected Possible cheats | ID 11667

    Few members of our fam were killed in cover and no bullet sound, would like to see pov https://streamable.com/mubvfs
  5. K

    Rejected Possible illegal redux l 11667

    requesting pov as i was shot through wall
  6. K

    Approved Event Rule 1.3 ID 22068, 22406

    all in pov
  7. K

    Approved RDM IN CITY ID 11497

    As u can see they didnt say anything, just shot me. only thing i did was talk into my fam radio to say theres guys with guns but was holding wrong key so didnt even talk in radio.
  8. K

    Approved Event rules 1.3 Rule break, id 2660, 1603, 13726, 7431

    as u can see these members of the family started inside the circle.
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