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Search results

  1. J

    Reviewed Unban Appeal. Under Investigation | Nik Payne

    I tabbed out of pov to fix discord and didnt have all overlays being recorded i am happy to submit to whatever to be unbanneed
  2. J

    Rejected Fear RP | Draven Pluxury

    i got fear rp after i complied with demands, if i comply even if it is a demand which there is no rule stating i have to do this then i believe this was unfair punishment
  3. J

    Rejected Bug Abuse | Mazhor Pluxury

    I was banned for placing a panel inside a wall, i didnt know it would actually go inside i did not mean to do this and i would appreciate nothing more than to have amnesty as i love your server
  4. J

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Josef pawlik

    Basically i planted a panel in a wall, didnt know how and couldnt get it out, i am willing to submit to a pc check or whatever it takes to fix this. I really enjoy the server and dont want to lose all my time on it.
  5. J

    Rejected RDM in City | ID 24819, 37457

    As you can clearly see these players shot me on my own fam house, and i do admit they said i have 5 seconds but they did not give me 5 seconds to leave, they also had no RP reason to kill me
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