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  1. J

    Approved OOC Insult | ID 115063

    So it started of ICly, treatening icly is not an issue, its RP, a bad kind of performance but hey, not everyone can be amazing at Rping... As soon as the conversation went slightly further. He told me to die in a house fire , die of cancer... Then he OOCly went and told me to: Go die IRL To...
  2. J

    Rejected OOC insult, Telling me i should die IRL,...

    So it started of ICly,treatening icly not an issue, its RP, a bad kind of performance but hey, not everyone can be amazing at Rping... as soon as the conversation went slightly further, he told me to die in a house fire , die of cancer... Then he OOCly went and told me to: Go die IRL Hopefully...
  3. J

    Approved Rasicm/ usage of the N word

    yelling Silly N***** couple of times after shooting me down...
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