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Search results

  1. Nida Charon

    Reviewed Pov request | ID: 10327

    I would like to see how i died please ❤️
  2. Nida Charon

    Approved Charon | Unofficial Organization Application

    Family name : Charon Family founder : Nida Charon id:3222 Family house no : 267 Family owner discord : Nidaleae Family owner forum link : Mira Charon Family History: The Charon family, whose origins date back to the 1200s, is the wealthiest and most tolerant family of the Middle East. Despite...
  3. Nida Charon

    Rejected Wrong Decision I Fstoq DeArcy

    (My friend has forum ban so i opened an appeal for him ) So appereantly It's a bug to get in with the armor in the Vineyard event on Server 3, there are a lot of rules on the server and I share them with my family every day. My family is very big and I started streams this month, we have a lot...
  4. Nida Charon

    Rejected Charon | Unofficial Organization Application

    Family name : Charon Family founder : Nida Charon id:3222 Family house no : 267 Family owner discord : Nidaleae#1682 Family owner forum link : Mira Charon Family History: The Charon family, whose origins date back to the 1200s, is the wealthiest and most tolerant family of the Middle East...
  5. Nida Charon

    Reviewed Warn for CL | Kaptan Rage

    Hi, so i was playing in ghetto with my friend ID 60 and we were shooting people during shootout against random people he got TP'd away by an admin for PC Check, which gave the other team a huge advantage and led to me being killed, while i was downed my wifi went out and wasn't able to get into...
  6. Nida Charon

    Approved GR 6.22 I ID 7148

    This guy's twink account is ''9137'' , if you check that guys forums he just steals from families , why dont admins see that , he shouldnt play that game anymore , every family and person in game is tired to be victimized by this guy . arent there a considerable reason to be blacklisted ? ...
  7. Nida Charon

    Rejected Not checking I Vaishnav Pluxury

    When someone rdm me and my family in fam house garden ,i called an admin and he said i am checking and then that persons who does rdm did masturbation animations and opened music while i was dead lying on floor it lasted so long. Admin did nothing but wait , if he was checking then why did he...
  8. Nida Charon

    Rejected Charon | Unofficial organization Application

    Family name : Charon Family founder : Nida Charon id:3222 Family house no : 267 Family owner discord : Nidaleae#1682 Family owner forum link : Mira Charon Family History: The Charon family, whose origins date back to the 1200s, is the wealthiest and most tolerant family of the Middle East...
  9. Nida Charon

    Reviewed Proof I Bobby Pluxury

    I have never been a person who is rude to people and says i am the streamer on this server and will not act according to servers rules and will break rules . I know that rules are rules no matter you are media or normal person. When i ve been punished in that forum without enough proof , all my...
  10. Nida Charon

    Rejected Charon | Unofficial organization Application

    Family name : Charon Family founder : Mira Charon id:3222 Family house no : 267 Family owner discord : Nidaleae#1682 Family owner forum link : Mira Charon Family History: The Charon family, whose origins date back to the 1200s, is the wealthiest and most tolerant family of the Middle East...
  11. Nida Charon

    Rejected Charon | Unofficial organization Application

    Family name : Charon Family founder : Mira Charon id:3222 Family house no : 569 Family owner discord : Nidaleae#1682 Family owner forum link : https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/32454/ Family History: The Charon family, whose origins date back to the 1200s, is the wealthiest and most...
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