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Search results

  1. Jessie Bird

    Rejected Mass rule break | C4T1 Family

    As you can clearly see in the POV they had 42 people at a store robbery.
  2. Jessie Bird

    Approved CR | 57553

    My guy thinks the tractor is a monster truck 💀 POV
  3. Jessie Bird

    Approved RDM | ID 1400

    I was minding my own business driving down the highway, didn't have any prior interaction with this person.
  4. Jessie Bird

    Approved Stealing vehicles in GZ | 00000

    My vehicle got stolen while it was inside GZ at the real estate agent. (sped up browsing houses because nothing interesting happened) Player ID is unknown but it was stolen by someone named 'Chris Galaxy'. If nothing else can I get the 325K back?
  5. Jessie Bird

    Approved 42063 | Gen. rule 6.2

    Was suspected of an ATM robbery and after catching him he left the game.
  6. Jessie Bird

    Approved 45509 | Gen. Rule 6.2

    Logged while under arrest.
  7. Jessie Bird

    Approved 38084 | Gen. Rule 6.2

    Logged while under arrest
  8. Jessie Bird

    Approved 42063 | Gen. Rule 6.2

    42063 had been caught at PD with the charge attempted murder. He tried running and crashed his vehicle. When we finally got him he just logged.
  9. Jessie Bird

    Approved 38518 6.2 Evading RP

    I was in a car chase with this person and they evaded RP, first trying to enter an interior and then ending up logging when that didn't work out for them.
  10. Jessie Bird

    Rejected OOC Insult | ID 6867

    This person filled out the LSPD application form and was denied for being too young OOC. They asked to get their application reviewed several times in our Discord. When I told him he was denied he didn't take too kindly to it. This is my entire message history with them. Time of violation is...
  11. Jessie Bird

    Rejected 34474 Evading RP/Arrest (combat logging)

    Player 34474 was found wanted at capitol and placed under arrest. While driving toward DOC they left the game.
  12. Jessie Bird

    Rejected Disappearing during arrest at DOC

    Player 25830 suddenly disappeared from a room with all doors closed. We did not see a question mark (player left) and didn't see a trace of them while doing a sweep of DOC. At the part where they disappear you can also clearly see both doors were locked.
  13. Jessie Bird

    Approved 19961 & 20155 CR

    Players 19961 and 20155 have been caught car-ramming at PD. Player 19961 (who goes by the nickname Markus Capella). The story goes like this: Marcus (19961) wrote a fine with the following reason 'no licens palte and say fuck you'. After this he was fired from LSPD for un-professionalism. He...
  14. Jessie Bird

    Approved 9698 | GTA/Non-RP driving

    While heading to a fellow LSPD officer to assist in a situation I caught 9698 (Keke Yaman) driving off a small hill/cliff. He kept driving like this. When I pulled him over he just drove off again. While chasing I tried driving as carefully as possible (obviously).
  15. Jessie Bird

    Rejected 9698 | GTA/Non-RP driving

    While heading to a fellow LSPD officer to assist in a situation I caught 9698 (Keke Yaman) driving off a small hill/cliff. He kept driving like this. When I pulled him over he just drove off again.
  16. Jessie Bird

    Approved Car ramming | ID 32278

    I caught bodycam evidence of player 32278 carramming parked LSPD vehicles outside our HQ.
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