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  1. Raven Xen

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    its looks like a just ar ammo but i think no one can use ar fast like this i wanna see how i die
  2. Raven Xen

    Rejected E.R 1.3 | yam zack

    Dear Lebron its not event rule 1.3 u can see ty for help
  3. Raven Xen

    Rejected E.R 1.3 | órospu evladi yam zack

    Dear Lebron its not event rule 1.3 u can see and we get fam warn probably its not rule break pls cheack again ty for help
  4. Raven Xen

    Rejected Ban for GR 3.2 | Brian Hawkins

    Dear Lebron, I don't know what I did, I don't think I did anything, I want to see the reason, I think I am right, I demand what is necessary, thank you sir.
  5. Raven Xen

    Rejected Wrong decision | Vivek Adithya

  6. Raven Xen

    Reviewed Warn for Rdm | Danny Reis

    I have already been punished, I received another penalty from RDM for the same incident, I want it to be checked.
  7. Raven Xen

    Rejected Warn for RDM

    I have already been punished, I received another penalty from RDM for the same incident, I want it to be checked.
  8. Raven Xen

    Rejected Wrong decision

    I have already been punished, I received another penalty from RDM for the same incident, I want it to be checked.
  9. Raven Xen

    Rejected Fear RP | Pablo Schmidt

    Screenshot I don't hear anyone and finally I start running while only 2 people are holding guns but I'm still in to prison
  10. Raven Xen

    Rejected Wrong punishmend | Pablo schmidt

    I don't hear anyone and finally I start running while only 2 people are holding guns but I'm still sent to prison
  11. Raven Xen

    Rejected Wrong decision | Hassy Davids

    Hi lebron This guy insulted me in another languege and he only got mute as a punishment. The things he said in turkish are big insults. I am in need of assistance and would greatly appreciate your help. like "oruspu" and "amk"
  12. Raven Xen

    Approved GR 3.2 | 1720

    all in pov turkish admin check pls
  13. Raven Xen

    Approved Ban For E R 1.7 | Ryuk Smith

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/371047/#post-1355698 After days passed, pov was requested but I deleted my pov since 2 days passed
  14. Raven Xen

    Reviewed Pov Request | 22809

    I think you hit it using bug abuse
  15. Raven Xen

    Approved Event Rule 1.1 | 99698

    all in pov https://prnt.sc/nPFApkJAowvw
  16. Raven Xen

    Rejected Possible Cheats | 65308

    I played in the arena for 10 minutes, other players said the same thing, he didn't miss any hits, his hits are very suspicious. I demand all kinds of investigation. another pov:
  17. Raven Xen

    Reviewed Pov Request | 100745

    it's very hard to hit that fast and he never misses
  18. Raven Xen

    Approved Wrong Decision | Ryuk Smith

    i know the hospital is not allowed to pass him by speeding without slowing him down but ryuk rejected
  19. Raven Xen

    Approved Bug Abuse | 25920

    cruise control turned on
  20. Raven Xen

    Rejected Pov Request | 88807

    I think it hits from behind the wall but it may have hit from behind
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