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Search results

  1. S

    Approved Request POV possible aimbot/ESP - 120386

    Guy kills team member did not think any of it i hide behind a wall and he tried to shoot me through the wall, i know he knows im there but he gets it pretty damn accurate to where my head was just before i moved.
  2. S

    Approved shooting in hq - 223658

    randomly shot me in ballas hq
  3. S

    Approved RDM - 198686

    guy rdmed at our house for 2 solar panels no demands or anything
  4. S

    Approved Warning for stalling | Jefe dejefes

    where in the hell is the stalling? you can clearly see from my footage i cant hear the guy say drop anything as my radio is blowing up, and then someone else comes to interfere with the robbing then we get shot at, they continuously search me without saying anything rob me at 1 gun pointed 2...
  5. S

    Rejected warning appeal | jefe dejefes

    where in the hell is the stalling? you can clearly see from my footage i cant hear the guy say drop anything as my radio is blowing up, and then someone else comes to interfere with the robing then we get shot at, they continuously search me without saying anything rob me at 1 gun pointed 2...
  6. S

    Approved RDM - 9144

    Just afk in city guy decides to shoot me for no reason...
  7. S

    Rejected CR - Marabunta

    Person who rammed me into ghetto present with the rest of bunta
  8. S

    Approved RDM - 121557

    Guy shoots me in city for no reason...
  9. S

    Approved RDM - 78553

    ran up to the guy rdming people was gonna engage but when he got in car i stopped, he came and shot me while in the city lines.
  10. S

    Approved Pickpocket in city/Shooting in city/Pushing into ghetto - 20675 113161

    thought i was afk so they tried pushing me into ghetto during it they shot at someone within the city then proceeded to rob me when they thought i was 100% afk, I stayed acting like i am afk because i knew they would end up doing this as they did it before and i did not have bodycam footage.
  11. S

    Approved CB - 2708

    guy used soundboard then combat logged.
  12. S

    Approved Shooting in city - 112283

    shot me in city
  13. S

    Rejected Warn Appeal - Zessy Pluxury

    I got a warning for NonRP driving and Running into GZ. first the non rp driving, i was forced into these these areas and also the "running to gz" they pushed me into the DOC direction where i left i did not stop there i left it and i slowly drove up the hill saw they were no longer chasing me...
  14. S

    Approved Shooting from city + mercy kill + family metagaming - 120461 - 126178

    we had 120461 down and ready to be robbed, friend or fam member came up and finished him off from city boundaries.
  15. S

    Approved CB - 106899

    cb'd to not get robbed.
  16. S

    Rejected Requesting Footage - 91722

    Requesting footage because of the insta kill he shoots one person does what 30% damage? shoots me i die, i know your mercy killing during this but id like to see it
  17. S

    Rejected Shooting in city - 114819

    Guy drives in and doesn't render things properly so 114819 shoots him within city
  18. S

    Approved FRP - 33356

    Clear fear rp
  19. S

    Rejected close pls

  20. S

    Approved CB/FRP | 216111- 65251

    Video shows it...
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