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Search results

  1. E

    Rejected Leader of LSPD | Elon Stark

    Information 1. IRL Name - Safil K Islam 2. Age - 21 3. Time zone - +5.30 GMT i.e IST 4. Average online per day - 5 hrs 5. Your Discord - elonstark 6. Your Nickname - Elon Stark 7. Your ID - 114130 Additional information 1. Leader of LSPD. 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  2. E

    Approved Attack on duty EMS Employee

    Dear admins, My name is Elon Stark (IC) i was doing my duty and when i revived the person he immediately attacked on me. Yeah i know that i also have hit him with my car but i went there to say him "i wouldn't have saved you". It was not intensional. Apart from that i would have given him...
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