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  1. BlueFire

    Approved BAN for GR 1.1 | Floki Vilgeroarson

    Hello, On 16.04.2024 Floki banned me and told me to contact him, i did. And he asked me questions, Have you ever used VPN? i said no i havent, asked me some ids do i know them or not? i only did know 3 ids that he asked, 2 of them my main and my twinks id and other one is my friends id 158...
  2. BlueFire

    Rejected Gen Rule 3.1+3.2 | 36947

    all in pov pls turkish admin check
  3. BlueFire

    Rejected Ban For Gen Rule 3.2 | Federico Vautier

    I typied this on club chat accidentally Yazici Vurdurur ID:60 is my friend and i was going to type this to family chat to call him to rp ticket factory event but i accidentally typied to club chat. Yazici doesnt care about that i said to him he said he wouldnt report me if i say this to him...
  4. BlueFire

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Ivy Pluxury

    Dear Leabron, As you can clearly see in the POV that I shoot towards him but my bullet didn't hit him, The other guy shooted him and I got Punishment for that. I think that before giving the Punishment The admin should watch the POV clearly. I hope you understand My situation. Please I need...
  5. BlueFire

    Approved General Rule 3.2 | 106917

    All in pov
  6. BlueFire

    Approved Unban appeal I Gen Rule 6.23 I Levi Akashi

    Dear Lebron & Sam, this guy shoots on purpose and gets punished for 30 days but i am getting punished for 60 days even though I did it unconsciously. I only hit him once and he died. I sent you my POV can you please reduce my ban. My proof: Approved - Bug abuse | 30997
  7. BlueFire

    Approved Wrong decision I Mac Blu

    i already get punishment from babu pluxury for same situation at that time but they open 2 forum against me and mac blu accept the forum.and other thread waiting for rewiev. On consideration - RDM I 30997 forum 1 Approved - VDM I 30997 forum 2
  8. BlueFire

    Rejected Wrong Decision I Iso Marine

    As you can see in the POV, i didn't make VDM. My friend was driver and car's brakes not working very well and he crashed to him. But i didn't make any VDM. So, Iso made wrong decision and wrong punishment to me.
  9. BlueFire

    Approved General Rule 3.2 I 0000

    3.2 in Turkish
  10. BlueFire

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Adonis Carter

    Mr Adonis Carter, Im sorry for my mistake. I was so angry about ooc and i was feelin very bad. I said something bad. Iam so sorry for that please forgive me. Just have 4 days for my ban. Please unban i will never do that.
  11. BlueFire

    Rejected | Adonis Carter

    Mr Adonis Carter, Im sorry for my mistake. I was so angry about ooc and i was feelin very bad. I said something bad. Iam so sorry for that please forgive me. Just have 4 days for my ban. Please unban i will never do that.
  12. BlueFire

    Rejected General Rule 3.2

    Mr Adonis Carter, Im sorry for my mistake. I was so angry about ooc and i was feelin very bad. I said something bad. Iam so sorry for that please forgive me. Just have 4 days for my ban. Please unban i will never do that.
  13. BlueFire

    Rejected General Rule 3.2 | 30997

    Hi my friend and I swore adionis bi blue fire game ID 30997 1 week ban due to misunderstanding misunderstanding I ate my friend, who opened the forum is currently understood, and beautiful event and I'm playing on my grand 2 wants me with so much love, and I want to take advantage of these...
  14. BlueFire

    Rejected General Rule 3.2

    Hello, sir Adonis. My name is Blue Fire, Hello, in the pov I ate, when there were about 20-30 people around me in my own game, I cursed at my own brother who lives in my own house, but I did it while I was holding the N button, so it has nothing to do with anyone in the game. I went to smoke so...
  15. BlueFire

    Rejected General Rule 3.2

    Hello, sir Adonis. My name is Blue Fire, Hello, in the pov I ate, when there were about 20-30 people around me in my own game, I cursed at my own brother who lives in my own house, but I did it while I was holding the N button, so it has nothing to do with anyone in the game. I went to smoke so...
  16. BlueFire

    Approved General Rule 1.1 + Previous

    yes i made a mistake i am sorry for this reason i want all my money to be deleted and my ban to be opened
  17. BlueFire

    Rejected Why was my ban raised?

    My ban was 20 days, but it was increased to 60 days, what is the reason, I apologize if I made a mistake
  18. BlueFire

    Rejected Raising the ban

    Why was my ban increased to 60 days from 20 days?
  19. BlueFire

    Rejected WHY BAN?

    WHY BAN?
  20. BlueFire

    Rejected Wrong ban

    We collected all the money in one account to open a family and transferred all the money to our only friend's account 37447 and it was banned. Is there a chance to open it?
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