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Search results

  1. Ozay Warrior

    Approved RDM | 362894

    all in pov
  2. Ozay Warrior

    Approved SWORDS | Unofficial Organization

    Family Logo; Family Clothes; Family Name: SWORDS Family Founder: Ozay Warrior | 280038 Family House Number: 697 Family Owners Discord: ozayoz Family Owner Forum Link: Ozay Warrior Family History: There was a community with a group of friends in different cities. This group was a retired...
  3. Ozay Warrior

    Rejected SWORDS | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: SWORDS Family Founder: Ozay Warrior | 280038 Family House Number: 697 Family Owners Discord: ozayoz Family Owner Forum Link: Ozay Warrior Family History: There was a community with a group of friends in different cities. This group was a retired group that was bored with their...
  4. Ozay Warrior

    Approved Mass Rule Break | Andreas Family

    in the area after the vineyard incident, andreas family members committed rdm offenses without any rp
  5. Ozay Warrior

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | 134920

    All in pov
  6. Ozay Warrior

    Reviewed Pov Request | 280038

    Although I recorded my point of view, it recorded it incorrectly for some reason I don't know why. and I encountered this situation. my friend's point of view shows that I did not start in the field. I hope this explains this situation. good day https://streamable.com/on10r8
  7. Ozay Warrior

    Rejected VDM , CR , RDM I 280038 , 318246

    Where did you see what I did wrong until I was shot at? I'm not the one you shot and I don't know him. I was shot at and I shot back. my ID is 280038 why are you putting another player in my place?
  8. Ozay Warrior

    Rejected VDM , CR , RDM I 280038 , 318246

    As seen in the POV, at 01:42, shots were fired for no reason and without orders. I did not commit any illegal act until that moment. being a police officer does not mean that you can shoot whoever you want, however you want. since I was shot at, I can shoot back as part of my duty.
  9. Ozay Warrior

    Approved RDM | 280038, 337695, 306017

    Are you sure you know the rules of the game? We come to join the family and you give orders. There's a role for that. Read the rules.
  10. Ozay Warrior

    Approved RDM | 280038, 337695, 306017

    You are trying to deceive the administrator by cutting the video. you should know that this is a crime.
  11. Ozay Warrior

    Approved GR 3.1 - 3.2 | 336579

    I want the turkish admin to take a look
  12. Ozay Warrior

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 280038

    nice meta gaming
  13. Ozay Warrior

    Reviewed POV req | 4287

  14. Ozay Warrior

    Approved RDM - MK | 99984

    all in pov
  15. Ozay Warrior

    Rejected RDM | 280038

    I want you to send me two minutes ago.
  16. Ozay Warrior

    Rejected RDM | 280038

    then I want you to send me the video from 2 minutes ago. it will be clear that you were not waiting for your friend there. you are lying by showing that you stopped to fix your car. we both know that you came for leftover.
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