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  1. M

    Reviewed Demorgan For UB Driving | Uchiha Shisui

    I was driving on earth road on mountain for collect strawberry and cannabies. When i collect cannabies top of mountain on road i got demorgan. I don't think there is any penalty for driving on a dirt road. Can u check?
  2. M

    Rejected Ban for Gen rule 4.1 | Lebron Pluxury

    Hi Lebron, 7 days ago I was banned by Hassy_Davids for gen rule 4.1. I thought it was a mistake because I didn't install any programmes. It was my right to ask for proof of the reason for my ban and that's why I opened a post. But you answered me that you can't remove or reduce the ban. This was...
  3. M

    Rejected Ban for Gen rule 4.1 by Yaswanth Trigger| Hassy Davids

    Hi, Hassy_Davids. Can you explain to me why you banned me when I didn't use any programmes? I was banned for collecting sand. Do you have any justification or was there a mistake?
  4. M

    Rejected Ban for Gen rule 4.1 by Yaswanth Trigger| Hassy Davids

    Hi, i got a 60-day ban. I have never used any hacking or software. I only use legal redux, because my computer has a lot of fps drops. Also, I get game crashes in the hospital area. I can show any proof in my computer. If you want to see the apps or game files I use, I can share them...
  5. M

    Rejected Gen rule 4.1 | ID: 108299

    Hi, i got a 60-day ban. I have never used any hacking or software. I only use redux, because my computer has a lot of fps drops. Also, I get game crashes in the hospital area. I can show any proof in my computer. If you want to see the apps or game files I use, I can share them transparently...
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