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  1. Guillermo Chapo

    Approved MASS RDM, FL, MASS MERCY KILL | ID: 269220

    Man spent 25k in ar ammo on that kill 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. Guillermo Chapo

    Approved RDM | ID: 129011

    You seem pretty upset for not caring, considering your calling me names and saying grp isn’t your life. You didn’t apologize here at all. 🤣🤣
  3. Guillermo Chapo

    Approved RDM | ID: 129011

    Lmao let’s see your POV. You obviously don’t understand “RP status” because you don’t just shoot someone not involved. Just because he’s around you when you are being foolish, doesn’t mean he is involved.
  4. Guillermo Chapo

    Rejected Racism and punching in the greenzone. | 60950

    There was absolutely no racism intended. Anto is not that type of person.
  5. Guillermo Chapo

    Approved general rule 1.3 | 34601

    I do not have proof, but I have also heard of him scamming. The scamming 34610 ID also just got kicked for anti afk ( i have screenshot ). He is only on that account to cheat.
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