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Search results

  1. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    close the forum
  2. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    I want to see how I died so fast
  3. Pasha Skaledman

    Rejected Pov Req | 0000

    I want to see how I died so fast
  4. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    I want too see how i die.
  5. Pasha Skaledman

    Rejected E.R 1.1 | 114867

    First of all E.R 1.1 is "Teaming is strictly forbidden(except events where it is systematically) | Jail 120 min and we didnt any teaming". Secondly, may you mean E.R 1.2 but its also says that "It is forbidden to kill/rob/kidnap/etc. before the event starts(10 minutes before) and 5 minutes after...
  6. Pasha Skaledman

    Appreciation to administrators

    1. Your nickname: Pashaa Skaledman 2. The administrator's nickname: Abdel Pluxury, Oktay Mollow, Aryan Choudrary, Willian Federal, Yaswanth Trigger 3. The essence of gratitude: everytime coming for help to everything. lovely persons
  7. Pasha Skaledman

    Approved FIB Corrupt Bio | Pashaa Skaledman | 114867

    Organization: FIB Name: Pashaa Skaledman Gender: Male Age: 42 Nationality: Turkey Place of Birth: Ankara Sexuality: Straight Eye color: blue Hair color: White Tattoos: only arms and legs Strengths: She is very good with guns and has a very high skill of driving Weakness: Being emotional Life...
  8. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    I want to see how he got on that roof.
  9. Pasha Skaledman

    Approved Server Disrespect I 124224

    (Off Topic) 6.10 It is prohibited to move IC situations to OOC(e.g Insulting someone in Discord Chat relating to an IC situation). Any instances of this will be punished in Discord as well as In-Game Bans. | Ban 1-7 days You may not post any conversation between you here, this is prohibited 6.10
  10. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed Pov Req | 17168

    Guys i think good shoot gg wp imam and revan
  11. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed POV Request + ER 1.3 | 114867

    I know the rules and normally I have to fly forward when entering with such a fast car, but I didn't fly this way, I appeared to enter normally, so I think this bug is not abuse
  12. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed POV Request + ER 1.3 | 114867

  13. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

  14. Pasha Skaledman

    Approved RDM | 141412

    sorry wrong chat
  15. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    6 person starting the roof ?
  16. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    time is up sir
  17. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed General rule 6.8 | 47135, 131275, 115696

    Yes, you tried to shoot me there and I got angry with you and I did something like that and I'm sorry for that
  18. Pasha Skaledman

    Reviewed Pov Request I 0000

    https://streamable.com/tze4r7 I don't fully understand it and my pov freezes but I don't kill anyone
  19. Pasha Skaledman

    Rejected MK + Possible Hitbox + POV req | 90451

    I have been a Turfer player in this game for many months and I have never seen such a ridiculous forum (Off-Topic)
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