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Search results

  1. Bakyols

    Reviewed please close

  2. Bakyols

    Rejected RDM , 6.15 | 341142 + 178433

    fear for your life
  3. Bakyols

    Approved Fail rp | 62425, 337195, 148845, 389135, 95783, 246649, 356800, 366576, 301064, 258706

    that was fake hostage situation i guess. good job bloods
  4. Bakyols

    Rejected RDM | Satriko Narcos

    I wasnt online last 2 days. I didn't see that forum. This is a misunderstanding. They gave me demands in green zone. That's why i killed them there Demands:
  5. Bakyols

    Rejected Pov Req | Free Souls Fam

    Pov Req | all server
  6. Bakyols

    Rejected Warning appeal | Beni Valentine

    why do i need provide my bodycam. this is literally rp. he gave me demands and i killed him. why i got warning for this rp situation ?
  7. Bakyols

    Rejected Warning appeal | Beni Valentine

    i killed him after he gave me demand.
  8. Bakyols

    Approved RDM | 331845

    You are in trouble my friend
  9. Bakyols

    Approved PG I 375805

    sorry for my cheap mic.
  10. Bakyols

    Approved NLR | 331845

    POV 1 : POV 2 :
  11. Bakyols

    Approved RDM | 331845

  12. Bakyols

    Approved RDM | 331845

  13. Bakyols

    Reviewed CR FailRP RDM | 87049, 87004

    you guys are npc i swear. What NLR ?
  14. Bakyols

    Reviewed POV Request | 155253.87004.308951.138481

    pov request ?
  15. Bakyols

    Approved OOC toxicity | 337209

  16. Bakyols

    Approved Talking while dead/ NLR/no gang car/ baiting on edge of ghetto | 87004

    im proud. i will rob you again tomorrow.
  17. Bakyols

    Reviewed General Rules 6.14, Fail rp, Ub driving, Ghetto Rules 1.12 | 285130

    General Rules 6.14 It is allowed to rob from inventory ONLY Ammunition, Guns, any armor(Gang,FIB, LSPD etc.), balaclava and Drugs. MONEY can be robbed - only using system functionality of gangs. | Ban 1-7 days Ub driving Ghetto Rules 1.12 If a person complies with given demands its not allowed...
  18. Bakyols

    Rejected Multiple Rule Breaks| 285130

    all good g
  19. Bakyols

    Rejected Multiple Rule Breaks| 285130

    General Rules 6.14 It is allowed to rob from inventory ONLY Ammunition, Guns, any armor(Gang,FIB, LSPD etc.), balaclava and Drugs. MONEY can be robbed - only using system functionality of gangs. | Ban 1-7 days Ub driving Ghetto Rules 1.12 If a person complies with given demands its not allowed...
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