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  1. B

    Rejected Unban Appeal gr1.4+gr1.8

    Hello Mazhor, I hope you are doing well, before 2 weeks ago I do a fourm for Unban Appeal gr1.4+gr1.8 for my main account and you approved and thank you very much I am really appreciate that and I hope you can Unban my Twink account I forget my ID and nickname in my Twink account if you can know...
  2. B

    Approved BAN GR1.4 + GR1.8

    Hi Mazhor, I hope you are well, I took BAN for 60 days in my main account and PERMANENT BAN in my Twink account and the reason is GR1.4 + GR1.8 and I know because I was ignoring the laws of this project and this is something very wrong and all I ask you is to give me another chance to play with...
  3. B

    Rejected CR // 362795

    He was doing CR on my car and his ID At the end of the Video
  4. B

    Reviewed Hacker // 361111

    I was in Auto Fair with people and this player come and kill us, And was Green Zone
  5. B

    Approved VDM // 141492

    He was doing VDM when i was working
  6. B

    Rejected VDM // 141492

    He was doing vdm when I was working
  7. B

    Rejected RDM By 347650

    I was in sleeping mode with my friend and they come and do RDM on us
  8. B

    Approved VDM // 112145

    I was in parking want to park my car and he was do VDM on me
  9. B

    Approved RDM / 347835

    I was in sleeping mode and he doing RDM on me
  10. B

    Rejected Admin jailed me i dont do anything

    i was want to steal a car with my friend i find the car and the owner of the car left the game and the car she disappeared and i wait the owner with my friends and he join the game my friend was talking to him but i dont listen to what them was talking about beacause i was away from them when i...
  11. B

    Rejected admin give me banned to 30 days

    jonny_odds give me banned to 30 days i was in service station with my car and some one was shoot me outside and i exit and shoot him but jonny_odds but me down in jail and he give me warning to 7 days and banned me to 30 days
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