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Search results

  1. Saudi Hill

    Rejected REM 251999

    When I step out of the car, he shot me without Demands
  2. Saudi Hill

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Vagos | Saudi Hill

    1. Your name IRL: Abelrahman 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: (GMT+3) 4. Average online per day: 3-8 hours 5. Your Discord: ksaabdul 6. Your Nickname: Saudi Hill 7. Your ID: 300988 1) Additional Information 1. Leader of Los santos Vagos 1x underdeputy Bloods 2x underdeputy Vagos 1x hc...
  3. Saudi Hill

    Reviewed Leader of Los Santos Vagos | Saudi Hill

    Close Please i Send it by wrong
  4. Saudi Hill

    Reviewed Leader of Los Santos Vagos | Saudi Hill

    1. Your name IRL: Abelrahman 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: (GMT+3) 4. Average online per day: 3-8 hours 5. Your Discord: ksaabdul 6. Your Nickname: Saudi Hill 7. Your ID: 300988 1) Additional information Leader of Los Santos Vagos
  5. Saudi Hill

    Rejected Calavera - Unofficial Organization

    Calavera On top ++++++++++++++++++++
  6. Saudi Hill

    Rejected Warn for GZ 1.1 | ace galante

    Dear admin I got a warning because I was shot in the green zone while robbing the store, but I never noticed that and I thought I could shoot anywhere in the circle and I hope you give me one last chance.
  7. Saudi Hill

    Rejected Leader of Marabunta | Deigo Skyline

    ==================== ======================================
  8. Saudi Hill

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Police Department I Mohammed Titan

    Good luck, Mohamed. ++++++++++++++
  9. Saudi Hill

    Rejected Leader of Marabunta | Deigo Skyline

  10. Saudi Hill

    Rejected Leader of Familes | Deigo Castilllo

  11. Saudi Hill

    Approved Ghetto Rules1.12 LSPD

    I complied with them but they killed me.
  12. Saudi Hill

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Vagos | Deigo Castilllo

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