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Search results

  1. Sky Smith

    Rejected GR 3.2

    Este insulto también me lo dijeron porque estaba en el chat familiar
  2. Sky Smith

    Rejected Admin Application | Sky Smith

    Your name IRL: Jackson Your age (OOC):18 Time zone + country: GMT+2 Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play : 10:00 to 15:00 Average online per day(hours):5-6 hours Your Discord ID: sky_pluxury Your characters' name (IC): Sky Smith Your in game ID:72110 Your in game level:2...
  3. Sky Smith

    Approved CR | 99316

    Approved ID 99316 will receive a punishment for CR.
  4. Sky Smith

    Rejected RDM | 124393

    Thread Reviewed Rejected You are in Ghetto. However ID 86185 will receive a punishment for MG.
  5. Sky Smith

    Approved CR | 99316

    On Consideration
  6. Sky Smith

    Rejected RDM | 124393

  7. Sky Smith

    Rejected State Rule 5.2 | 139016 +141923

    Thread Rejected Thread owner failed to provide longer POV within the given time.
  8. Sky Smith

    Rejected State Rule 5.2 | 139016 +141923

    Requesting POV Thread Owner is to Provide the POV of the full situation within 4 hours. (As I said Above)
  9. Sky Smith

    Approved RDM | ID: 138810

    Approved ID 138810 will receive a punishment for General Rule 6.15 However ID 5809 will receive a punishment for MG.
  10. Sky Smith

    Approved racism | 131046

    Approved ID 131046 will receive a punishment for General Rule 6.19
  11. Sky Smith

    Approved CL | 122122

    Approved ID 122122 will receive a punishment for CL.
  12. Sky Smith

    Approved Religion in CC | 245

    Approved ID 245 will receive a punishment for bring up Religion.
  13. Sky Smith

    Approved CL | 122122

    Requesting thread owner to fix the title according to Rulebreak. you have 6 hours to do.
  14. Sky Smith

    Approved CL | 122122

    On Consideration
  15. Sky Smith

    Rejected Mass rules brake / Kings Mafia

    Rejected Insufficient Evidence 2 days passed after the violation. Please Refer to the Rules for Filing a complaint.
  16. Sky Smith

    Rejected CHEAT

    Rejected Incorrect Format Read Here
  17. Sky Smith

    Approved racism | 131046

    On Consideration
  18. Sky Smith

    Approved Religion in CC | 245

    On Consideration
  19. Sky Smith

    Approved RDM | ID: 138810

    On Consideration
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