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Search results

  1. Mohammedali Koşan

    Reviewed close

  2. Mohammedali Koşan

    Rejected Close

    Only 1 id visible
  3. Mohammedali Koşan

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 22015

    Where is id and im not en2 player kid
  4. Mohammedali Koşan

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 22015

    95703 doing rdm and he trying to admin decieving
  5. Mohammedali Koşan

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    Sound ????? nice cheat xd
  6. Mohammedali Koşan

    Approved Server Disrespect I 124224

    Punish him for deceiving admin and off topic and gr 6.10 also third part pov
  7. Mohammedali Koşan

    Approved Server Disrespect I 124224

    Admin pls punish him for off topic
  8. Mohammedali Koşan

    Rejected CL | 133334

    You cannot open for this there is a no rp situ here
  9. Mohammedali Koşan

    Reviewed MG + RDM + CR | 16018, 79722, 79747, 80927, 80928

    Also, there is no meta gaming in this pov because it was all there already where you cut the pov. This post will be rejected for cutted pov
  10. Mohammedali Koşan

    Reviewed MG + RDM + CR | 16018, 79722, 79747, 80927, 80928

    Why don't you share the whole situation? why did you crop the pov? Invalid pov
  11. Mohammedali Koşan

    Reviewed Mass rule break I FIB

    Why didn't you have a gun when he took hostage? Self report
  12. Mohammedali Koşan

    Rejected GR 3.2 I 135623

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/95442/ he got perma forum ban how can he open a forum? He doing forum ban evading
  13. Mohammedali Koşan

    Rejected GR 3.2 I 135623

    Why you doing forum ban evading
  14. Mohammedali Koşan

    Reviewed Mass rule break I families

    They will beg you on Discord to close it. Please dont close this forum they deserve it
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