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Search results

  1. Ignota Ice

    Rejected Deleted Vehicle | Mazhor_Pluxury

    2 days ago i was driving my Benefactor-AMG S63 (W222) , after relogging my car was nowhere to be found. After contacting tech they said it was deleted by Mazhor Pluxury. I had too much items in it and i would like to have my car and items back. Tech report...
  2. Ignota Ice

    Rejected blacklisted | Lebron Pluxury

    Dear Lebron, First of all thank you for unblacklisting my profile. Unfortunatly my twink account is still blacklisted till this day. ID twink : 5401 Would u be so kind to unban that too , thanks in advance https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/687348/
  3. Ignota Ice

    Rejected Blacklisted | Lebron Pluxury

    Dear Lebron, First of all thank you for unblacklisting my profile. Unfortunatly my twink account is still blacklisted till this day. Would u be so kind to unban that too , thanks in advance https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/687348/
  4. Ignota Ice

    Reviewed Blacklisted | Lebron pluxury

    Guys please do NOT comment to prevent forum ban !! i appreciate your support but protect yourself as well !!
  5. Ignota Ice

    Reviewed Blacklisted | Lebron pluxury

    Dear curators of the project, I am blacklisted for opening lottery tickets. At the time, I was unaware that the prices had changed, and I mistakenly purchased several thousand lottery tickets in the hopes of crafting masks and winning free cars. After opening a couple of hundred tickets, I...
  6. Ignota Ice

    Rejected Blacklisted from an organization | 16360

    Why do u put my name into the Player nickname ? Acting like a Mr i know it all but still not the smartest How in the world is someone else with YOUR id gonna join EMS and get blacklisted if it was not you ? Or do you now clearly admit that u have shared your account? Also how come that the...
  7. Ignota Ice

    Reviewed mass rule break | SAHP,FIB

    Where is the FIB in this ?
  8. Ignota Ice

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio | Alexa Xen | 107790

    Please change outcome 10.
  9. Ignota Ice

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio | Victor White | 49400

    Rejected by Leader, Reason: we need Bio's for UC's
  10. Ignota Ice

    Rejected FIB Corrupt bio | Vee Venetia | 3177

    Approved by the Leader
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