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  1. S

    Rejected Scam | 000

    what do u want me to post on yt lol
  2. S

    Rejected Scam | 000

    the guy who jerry creed “”scammed” had a confirm button and jerry was still perma banned for it?
  3. S

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.9 | ID 13018 | Gen Rule 3.2 | ID 812

    also u asked once for him to leave u and then he stopped talking to you and walked slightly away and never spoke to you again or came to talk to you again
  4. S

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.9 | ID 13018 | Gen Rule 3.2 | ID 812

    confused because for 13018 u said to leave so he walked a little away and then stopped talking to u and just faked crying, then later he clearly comes to talk to someone that isn’t u and doesn’t even acknowledge ur there, ur just reaching tbh
  5. S

    Rejected Kakashi Kirigaya | Cultural Appropriation

  6. S

    Rejected General Rule 6.9 | Eddie Brock

    I would at least like it to be a 3 day instead of 7 i think 7 is over the top
  7. S

    Rejected General Rule 6.9 | Eddie Brock

    I was banned for general rule 6.9 for “harassment”. The definition of harassment is “aggressive pressure or intimidation.” and an example they give of what is and isn’t harassment is “if a coworker asks someone on a date once, that is not harassment. However, when one party communicates that...
  8. S

    It wont let me login wtf

    tried this bitch 6 times i made 2 accounts and neither are working
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