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  1. Yatharth Badmash

    IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

    Information 1.Your name IRL: Yatharth Reddy 2. Your age: 22 + 3. Time zone: GMT+5:30 4. Average online per day: 4 - 6 hours 5. Your Discord: Yatharth#8218 6. Your Nickname: Yatharth Badmash 7. Your ID: 21561 Additional information 1. Leader of East Side Ballas 2. Why do you want to be a...
  2. Yatharth Badmash

    Rejected Gen rule 3.2 | Harry King

    Sorry Chief Admin Lebron for broke server rule i really apologized for my fault . actually i got angry when one guy abuse me in bad way and i talked bad words about his parents by mistake . It is my first rule break you can check also i never got punished before as i never break rules . please...
  3. Yatharth Badmash

    Approved Gen Rule 3.1, 3.2, 6.7, 6.8, 6.15, Fear RP, RDM, RK, Provoking | IDs - 82211, 50040, 31600

    stop crying xd :ROFLMAO: 11:22 - ID 50040 (Gen Rule 3.1)- its not under ooc insult . do you even know what ooc insult means 13:00 - ID 82211 (Gen Rule 3.1) - same again its not a ooc insult 11:44 - ID 82211, 50040 & 31600 (Gen Rule 3.1, 3.2) - stop crying its under torture rp 13:00 - ID 82211...
  4. Yatharth Badmash

    Reviewed Gen rule 6.2 | 74534

    close the forum
  5. Yatharth Badmash

    Reviewed Gen rule 6.2 | 74534

    Clearly leaving the game as you can see
  6. Yatharth Badmash

    Rejected Event Rule 1.2 | Rosier Family

    As you can see they just lost the fam raid against us . so they start shooting on us immediately after fam raid .
  7. Yatharth Badmash

    Rejected UB | Zeeshan Mirza

    dumb is not a abusive word xd
  8. Yatharth Badmash

    Rejected UB | Zeeshan Mirza

    Are you teaching chief admin . you guys just did (UB) unrealistic behavior ( punching in gun fight even after watch the pov i can see you done it intentionally ) so you got correct punishment .
  9. Yatharth Badmash

    Reviewed Pov Request | 57804

    clear lag bro ..........
  10. Yatharth Badmash

    Approved Gen rule 6.3 | 75074

    Punish this guy , he is stealing from org too much as you can see in the ss.
  11. Yatharth Badmash

    Approved Gen rule 6.3 | 84644

    Again stealing from org too much
  12. Yatharth Badmash

    Approved Gen rule 6.3 | 65105

    Punish this guy , he is stealing from org too much as you can see in the ss.
  13. Yatharth Badmash

    Approved CR | 96

  14. Yatharth Badmash

    Reviewed Possible Cheats | 88807

    so according to your point of view i can see the same movement from your guy id 80914 .
  15. Yatharth Badmash

    Reviewed Possible Cheats | 88807

    its a clear ping diff
  16. Yatharth Badmash

    Reviewed Possible Cheats | 88807

    its just a ping diff & visual bug nothing else you guys to need to improve your self
  17. Yatharth Badmash

    Rejected Social Club banned for gen rule 1.7 | Sam_pluxury

    I would just like to apologize for my actions and angry abusive message towards to sam and lebron, It was completely uncalled for and I am sorry for offending them in discord , I have not had any kind of ban like this or disrespected any staff before I just got mad cause i love to play grand rp...
  18. Yatharth Badmash

    Rejected Social Club banned for gen rule 1.7 | Sam_pluxury

    I would just like to apologize for my actions and angry abusive message towards to sam and lebron, It was completely uncalled for and I am sorry for offending them in discord , I have not had any kind of ban like this or disrespected any staff before I just got mad cause i love to play grand rp...
  19. Yatharth Badmash

    Rejected unban appeal | disrespect ,abusing script, gen rule 1.7 | Sam_Pluxury

    I would just like to apologize for my actions and angry abusive message towards to sam and lebron, It was completely uncalled for and I am sorry for offending them in discord , I have not had any kind of ban like this or disrespected any staff before I just got mad cause i love to play grand rp...
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