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Search results

  1. rajesh

    Rejected Pravilo za lidere 3.3 | ID 4738

    dabog da ti dayvon udje na account : )
  2. rajesh

    Approved power gaming | 52007

  3. rajesh

    Rejected RDM AND CAR THEFT IN GZ | 164411

    when I am afk at parking he killed me and stolen the car
  4. rajesh

    Approved VDM | 100251

  5. rajesh

    Approved Bloods Leader | Leb Wins

    ++ leb on top
  6. rajesh

    Approved CL I 3622

    ho nice redux
  7. rajesh

    Reviewed RDM In City | ID 28150

    you talking with me in discord nice bro
  8. rajesh

    Rejected Wrongful Judgement | Arwid Lee

    So me and my friends did a atm robbery one of the LSPD officer came and cuffed me and dragged me and running and i reported so admin rejected coz no power gaming found in POV while running a person is cuffed and dragged by leo how cannot be power gaming? AND YOU CAN THAT IN THAT FORUM REPORT...
  9. rajesh

    Rejected PG | 149968,4828

  10. rajesh

    Rejected PG | 149968,4828

    FAIL RP AND PG | 149968 4828
  11. rajesh

    Rejected FAIL RP AND PG | LSPD

  12. rajesh

    Rejected FAIL RP AND PG | LSPD

    i can show my pov of that before dragging there are 10-10s with heavy sniper
  13. rajesh

    Approved RDM in City | ID: 28150

    i think its getto
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