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Search results

  1. Josh Kiri

    Rejected Gen 5.3 | Martina Kingsman

    The only thing I said in the ticket is literally "Youre welcome, stop taking tickets from ashish, do the work like a real man youngun". Trying to look out for the inexperienced admins and getting them the tickets they deserve. He originally muted me for saying something disrespectful in club...
  2. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    Thread Reviewed ID: 47397 will receive a punishment for Event Rule 1.7
  3. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    Requesting ID: 47397 to provide POV of this event (You have 12 hours to do so)
  4. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed POV REQ | 97611

    Thread Reviewed ID: 97611 will receive a punishment for Event Rule 1.7
  5. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    On Consideration
  6. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed POV REQ | 97611

    Requesting ID: 97611 to provide POV of this event (You have 12 hours to do so)
  7. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed POV REQ | 97611

    On Consideration
  8. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Possiable Cheats + Pov Request | 0000

    Thread Reviewed POV was provided and is clean
  9. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed pov req | 111549

    Thread Reviewed POV was provided and is clean
  10. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Possiable Cheats + Pov Request | 0000

    Requesting ID: 115673 to provide POV of this event (You have 12 hours to do so)
  11. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed pov req | 111549

    On Consideration
  12. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Possiable Cheats + Pov Request | 0000

    On Consideration
  13. Josh Kiri

    Approved Pov req I 0000

    Thread Reviewed POV was provided and is clean
  14. Josh Kiri

    Approved Pov req I 0000

    Requesting ID: 82771 to provide POV of this event (You have 12 hours to do so)
  15. Josh Kiri

    Approved Pov req I 0000

    On Consideration
  16. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Pov Request | 59110

    Thread Reviewed POV was provided and is clean
  17. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Pov Request | 59110

    Requesting ID: 59110 to provide POV of this event (You have 12 hours to do so)
  18. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Pov Request | 59110

    On Consideration
  19. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed pov req | 96404

    Thread Reviewed ID: 96404 will be punished for Circle Abuse (You cannot abuse the circle by running outside of it to get a better angle to shoot someone)
  20. Josh Kiri

    Reviewed Pov Request / 0000

    Thread Reviewed POV was provided and is clean (There is no proper reason for requesting entrance POV)
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