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  1. Shamela Xoxo

    Rejected Nlr | 16488

    and you guys are meta gaming so make sure to punish aswell
  2. Shamela Xoxo

    Approved CR + VDM | 16488

    i lagged also why u speaking whilst dead?
  3. Shamela Xoxo

    Rejected Nlr | 16488

    your so weird for posting like its ghetto its not deep stop crying
  4. Shamela Xoxo

    Rejected Ballas | ER 1.2

    Watch asdas | Streamable here demands stop crying and maybe you will win next time try and have fun in the game for once
  5. Shamela Xoxo

    Approved VDM | 16488

    cafer your such a virgin bro hop off the game and it was desync
  6. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed cl | 16488

  7. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed cl | 16488

    and they are also metagaming using discord in POV take note of that admin.
  8. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed cl | 16488

    I didnt I lagged out hence why I came back a few seconds after
  9. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed pov request I 0000

    blud hit one shot and gets accused for aim botting lmao
  10. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed RDM + Fail RP + UB demands I 135106 + 138786 + 135649

    your the one that did fail RP and didnt fear for your life it doesnt matter if its in the city your dont pull out your taser when 3 people are pointing guns at you are u retarded:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  11. Shamela Xoxo

    Rejected VDM | Ashish Xoxo

    I didnt VDM they went in the way of the road you can see me turning just before hitting them because I tried to move out the way but they ran in the way. Wasnt my fault.
  12. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    https://streamable.com/8k3m13 happy
  13. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    Also this person is posting pov requests from different IDs for different people so can admins check this
  14. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    Can I get an extension I am not going to be home for another 8 hours please but after that I can post pov straight away
  15. Shamela Xoxo

    Approved Fail RP/MK | 41036 + 79064

    your not complying it does count because thats what u press on your keyboard to do the action....
  16. Shamela Xoxo

    Approved RDM and CL | 24013

    Man said oh nice see you on gov like he didn’t log ☠️☠️😹 and there’s no RDM on that clip And you VDMing him nice self report tho
  17. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    I was requesting the guy who initially shot me because you cant tell me that that shot and this one is not suspicious. some lockon of some sort https://streamable.com/evg974
  18. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    That wasn’t necessary was it
  19. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    Nice English bro
  20. Shamela Xoxo

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    It’s not a bug it’s if it’s a mechanic in game 😭😂😂
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