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Search results

  1. Jackkkk!

    Approved General Rules 1.3 (Crypto Scam) | ID: 11066

    Hello Dear Staff Team, i was at the Beach Market checking products, and ID: 11066 and his friend came and said me that they need to shake hands 16 times for a task, so i decided to help them, and they started shaking my hand after a couple of times they tried to sell me 1 Crypto for 2M i had...
  2. Jackkkk!

    Rejected Ban Appeal ┃Mining Bot ┃Raimond Bishop

    I swear if you guys give me these second chance i will use it good!
  3. Jackkkk!

    Rejected Ban Appeal ┃Mining Bot ┃Raimond Bishop

    Hello dear High Administration Team, I want to appeal my ban for Mining Bot issued by Raimond, in the first case i will say it's not an unfair ban, i know Raimond and he is a very good admin, I was so stupid using a Mining Bot to try get minerals i used it for 30 mins and it was the worst error...
  4. Jackkkk!

    Rejected Ban Appeal Gen. 4.1 | Raymond Bishop (For Mazhor)

    Ban Appeal for the Curator of the Project Hi dear Mazhor, recently (a couple of weeks ago) i received a ban for Gen Rules 4.1 (Cheating), but i didn't cheat, i was Afk with a Farming Bot for 30 mins. This was the worst error that i could make on the server, i'm a very active player and i never...
  5. Jackkkk!

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Raymond Bishop

    (General Rules 4.1)
  6. Jackkkk!

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Raymond Bishop

    UNBAN APPEAL (Jack Oconnor) --- Unban Appeal for the Chief Admin --- Hi, i want to appeal my Ban thath i got yesterday from Raymond Bishop, first of all I want to assume my responsibility since I am not complaining about the Administrator because he taked a correct decision. Yesterday I decided...
  7. Jackkkk!

    Reviewed Jack Specter I 9180 I Biografía Corrupción GN

    Biografía de Corrupción GN Organización: GN (Guardia Nacional) Nombre: Jack Specter Género: Masculino Edad: 23 Nacionalidad: Estadounidense Lugar de nacimiento: Texas, USA Color de ojos: Azules Color de pelo: Negro Tatuajes: No tiene tatuajes visibles. Puntos fuertes: Disparo y conducción...
  8. Jackkkk!

    Reviewed Aplicación Liderazgo - LifeInVader

    OOC: • Tu nombre en la vida real: Pablo • Tu edad: 14 (Pero soy maduro para el cargo) • Zona horaria: GMT +0 (Canarias, España) • Promedio en línea por día: 8h/dia • Tu discord: Pablote#0383 • Tu apodo: Pablote • Tu identificación: 9180 (Llevo tiempo en la ciudad el id es mas nuevo porque es...
  9. Jackkkk!

    Approved VDM y Insultos homofobicos (Maricon).

    Entro al server y me encuentro un chico igual que yo que me empieza a atropellar mientras miraba la tienda, cuando escucho que hay alguien cerca cierro el menu y le veo atropellandome y me grita ``Leucemico de Mierda + Marico´´ ese parte no la tengo clip pero luego repite lo de leusemico. Se...
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