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  1. Shabah Verlice.

    Reviewed POV Request | ID: 11594

    Okay, Thanks brother ❤️ admin close forum please
  2. Shabah Verlice.

    Reviewed POV Request | ID: 11594

    i want to see how they are climing the ladders they went on roof so fast last informal we were there and they were that fast at climbing.
  3. Shabah Verlice.

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Vinay Reddi

    Hello Admins, I understand that this complaint might seem like a waste of your time, but I believe it's important to bring it up. On multiple occasions, I've heard people complain about admins at events not taking the correct actions and unfairly killing participants who had a chance to win, or...
  4. Shabah Verlice.

    Reviewed POV Request | ID: 64817

    i want to see how he killed me was a d-synced or what
  5. Shabah Verlice.

    Rejected POV Request | ID: 62572

    Okay, admin please close forum.
  6. Shabah Verlice.

    Rejected POV Request | ID: 62572

    Its not a song its a song its quran. Not gonna lie i belive that ur just mocking, and ive seen someone do the same in the past and he got blocked 60days for it, so if you want to continue with this, sure i can arrange a forum post on your mocking to my religon.
  7. Shabah Verlice.

    Rejected POV Request | ID: 62572

    i want to see his pov.
  8. Shabah Verlice.

    Reviewed POV Request | ID: 31443

    Can i see where he were please?
  9. Shabah Verlice.

    Reviewed VDM | ID: 83225

    everything in pov
  10. Shabah Verlice.

    Approved General Rule 6.2 | ID: 42191

    everything in pov.
  11. Shabah Verlice.

    Approved General Rule 6.2 | ID: 57972

    everything in pov.
  12. Shabah Verlice.

    Reviewed Close Forum please.

    Okay, Admin please close the forum.
  13. Shabah Verlice.

    Approved General Rule 6.2 | ID: 57119

    everything in pov
  14. Shabah Verlice.

    Reviewed Close Forum please.

    evreything in pov.
  15. Shabah Verlice.

    Approved General Rule 6.2 | ID: 62215

    everything in pov.
  16. Shabah Verlice.

    Approved General Rule 6.2 | ID: 12947

    everything in pov
  17. Shabah Verlice.

    Rejected POV Request | ID: 0000

    He pushed the car outside of greenzone it was in green zone. i want to see his eniter pov, of where he found it and everything.
  18. Shabah Verlice.

    Reviewed POV Request | ID: 0000

    i want to see his pov.
  19. Shabah Verlice.

    Rejected GOV Corruption Bio | Shabah Verlice | 471

    (Ignore) updated to Government Biography.
  20. Shabah Verlice.

    Approved General Rule 6.2 | ID: 27884

    everything in pov.
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