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  1. Envious Bolo

    Rejected Omerta | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: Omerta Family Head: Envious Bolo | 7633 Family House: Number: 1176 Leader Discord: envixus. Family Leaders Forum Link: Envious Bolo Family Founders: Envious Bolo, Kasper Choo and Cherry Choo Background Story Omerta was founded by Kasper Choo and Envious Bolo after the retirement...
  2. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed CLOSE FORUM :)

    uploading pov rn
  3. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed General 1.9 | Magnes Haste

    I'm sorry for evading tax, I accept a money wipe if possible.
  4. Envious Bolo

    Approved pov req | 0000

    Training? is it the same training that lead to most of you being permanently blacklisted on city 2 for the exact same thing your “clean” family members are currently being accused of? Sorry mate, I’ll pass on your one time offer for “training” doesn't seem very effective on your members...
  5. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 4706

    Not only that, I heard rumors he's still trying to evade his punishment.. 😲
  6. Envious Bolo

    Approved pov req | 0000

    I'm sorry I failed to see where you even came into this. Are you his hype man?
  7. Envious Bolo

    Approved pov req | 0000

    Man you suck at defending your family or your past against criticism. Just remove the cheaters and play like normally for once, maybe you'll actually make some friends.
  8. Envious Bolo

    Approved Possible Hitbox | 23542

    I could have sworn I saw a forum post from city one involving that same redux, where it was confirmed to be a cheater redux.. 💀
  9. Envious Bolo

    Approved pov req | 0000

    or maybe, just maybe i’ll speak for majority of the families that go up against “Karma” as you guys call yourselves now lmfao, That your family has more cheaters then legitimate players and a lot of people are sick of the bullshit you all are causing. I guess you guys didn't learn from your...
  10. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

    bros hitting a whole new part of the human body.. it's called the ground.
  11. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

    Red gang? you turfing for skittles? your hitbox is clear as day. I genuinely haven't seen something this blatant in months lmaoo.. also before I finish this off don't say "who is this" when you are being caught cheating g just makes you look worse. 💀
  12. Envious Bolo

    Rejected Pov Requset | 53193

    Correct me if i’m wrong but, wasn’t this situation reviewed in a previous post? That post being this one
  13. Envious Bolo

    Approved POV Request | 120

    ID 120 is forum banned. Im going to be providing his pov for him. pov here:
  14. Envious Bolo

    Rejected VDM + RDM | Omerta

    Yo, ID 66477 here. I'm included in the request for providing first aid for your family member? or was it me saying "gg" and asking your family to raid us again since it was fun. I never once shot any of you, and was nothing but respectful to you all. I can't exactly speak for all in the POV...
  15. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed Pov Request | ID :22809

    Uploading POV for ID 22809 due to him being banned on forums. POV Here
  16. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed Pov Request | 7249

    ID 7249 is asleep he may need more time.
  17. Envious Bolo

    Rejected Pov Request | 66477

  18. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.1 | 54453,7249,662

    Look man, I love all these guys, and I know them well enough to know they are all extremely experienced and smart players who know the rules. I myself was reading my family chat, and saw Jigux and Dan talking about playing CAREFULLY. since they were they last two Omerta members left alive. Plus...
  19. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed Gen rule 4.1 | 54453

    Look, coming from a third party point of view. Having been in the same family as Necozzin and having fought against him. I can say with my personal opinion that I don't believe he is cheating. We've seen countless cheaters in the last few months, aimbot, aimlock, hitbox expanding and so on...
  20. Envious Bolo

    Reviewed GR 6.19 | ID 0000

    He already got punished. ☻
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