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Search results

  1. A

    Approved GR 6.16 + Fail RP | 5271

    On 25th july this person who is bloods member came with one additional robbed. He had only one additional with him and he searched me without havin 3 additional with him. He searched me with ine additional and this is volation of general rule 6.16. He also faile to do RP. He didnt tell me that...
  2. A

    Rejected GR 6.16 | 5271

    on 25th July this guy who is in bloods robbed me. he started robbing with only one additional. he searched me with one additional. Later on other bloods member came there but in starting he voilate GR 6.16 and searched me with one additional which is voilation of GR 6.16.
  3. A

    Approved Punching in GZ+VDM-297526

    On 30 June I went to stock market and when I was leaving stock market the guy with ID-297526 came and started punching me. After sometime he came with his car and started VDM.
  4. A

    Approved VDM-291004

    On 28 June I went to stock market to get contract form office but this guy in truck who is doing collector job tried to kill me using his truck and exploded my bike. His ID was ID-291004.
  5. A

    Approved RDM-237285

    When I was taking my car from parking in city this guy came and started shooting without any reason and didnt given any demands.
  6. A

    Approved CL | 72956

    Its general rule 6.2
  7. A

    Approved Gen 6.2- ID 259016

    On 31 December,2022 I was on patoling with my fellow LSPD member. During patroling, we got 911 call of ATM robbery. We went to the robery location and started our work. Fist I asked the person who is there to show hi passport but he said how to do then I tell him procedure to show passport but...
  8. A

    Approved VDM- 245438

    On 31 December,2022 I was on patroling with my fellow LSPD member. We stopped near casino to give fine to a car illegally parked. My fellow member was giving fine to that car owner and this guy in his car came, stopped near us and then hit my fellow member. He did VDM and I want that he get...
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