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Daisy Long

The Outsiders
Sep 23, 2022
1.Family Logo


2.Family Information
Family Name: Black Mamba
Family Leader: Daisy Long |159485
Leaders Forum Link: Daisy Long
Family House Number: 441
Leader Discord: Ciska#0739
Family Discord Owner: Ciska#0739
Online Players: Around 12



Josh Walker grew up on the streets of Peckham London for all his early life, His family struggled financially and got in debt with the wrong people these people would kill Josh's Mother this enraged Josh and he swore to take vengeance , Crime and violence is all that he knows and he started to rob shops and people at the young age of 14 just to place food on the table for dinner. His life continued to be a struggle for many years but soon Josh gained a lot of respect and power on the streets of London, he would go on to establish The Casanova Cartel with a group of friends most notably Jack Rowe and his Friend Richard, The Casanova Cartel would continue to grow and expand in London for many years and even find and kill the people that killed his mother. However the group of friends decided to expand setting their sites on los Santos. After flying out to Los Santos they bought a house and situated themselves with many members and started their family over in the states , they would steal cars and rob houses as a source of income, but this new start would prove to be difficult, many members were killed by rival gangs and cartels and the Casanova Cartel would take a big hit. However they built themselves up from the ground again gathering money from anything they could to build up the family. Casanova has invested great amounts of money into cars, manpower and weapons to finally become a force to be reckoned with and now operates comfortability as and when they choose doing drug trafficking , kidnapping , arms dealing and hijacking vehicles but still has aspirations to become bigger and to crush anyone that stands in Casanovas way so that Casanova is unrivalled.

Willem Long a long time friend of Josh Walker who has always stayed in the shadows and was only known by few men stepped out of the shadows when Josh Walker was brutaly shot and barely survived a drive by hit in the city of Los Santos. While Josh was fighting for his life in the hospital Willem couldn't keep watching and stepped out of the shadows, and took control over the Casanova cartel. With josh fighting for his life Willem promised his friend to take care of the family and keep the dream alive. Some months passes by Casanova cartel has slowly be growing and josh woke up from a coma, a couple of days after waking up Willem and Josh had a good talk and Josh told Willem he wants to take a couple of steps back and he officially retired as owner of the Casanova cartel family and handed over the Family to Willem long.

Current time:

As Willem Long went back in the shadows to hide from the state legal organizations, he asked his wife, Daisy Long to help him out and after some thinking she agreed to try to lead the family in the best way she can. Daisy is a tough woman who didnt get where she is by just being a typical woman. She had to earn her way up the hard way. She is no stranger to violence and has been fighting to get to where she is today. With the help of her good friends: Matt Winter, Jack Rowe, Charlie Rowe, Daima Long, Doma Long, Johnny Long and also her husband Willem Long , although he will be in the background there, she wants to become one of the greatest families in the whole city. Currently the family has been well known under the name Casanova Cartel for their famous robberies, hostage taking, store robberies and events we have been attending. In result of this, our previous leader had been put on the most wanted list, meaning Daisy had to step up and take over leadership of the family to get them back to the top where they belong! The first major decission Daisy made was to change the families name to Black Mamba. Once seen, you better start praying for your survival. From here she started to organize events, maintaining the growth of the whole family and make it even bigger and better. She and her fantastic team will make sure her family members get what they need to grow as individuals as well.

4.Family Goals:
Become a well known family in the city, on which we have been growing.
To own multiple business and keep expanding them. We now own a mandarin plantation, an oilwell and a freight train.
Establish Authority and Gain the respect of many people in this city.
To be very active and to pull up to many events as a family and gain our goals on the events.
To have fun and to help new members to grow within the city, moneywise and experiencewise with events.
Buying and living in bigger and more expensive houses, next goal is a house with a helipad.

5.Family Rules:
To have respect for and from all members and to never disrespect each other and people around the city
No stealing from the warehouse, doesn't matter if it is an org or the family warehouse
No breaking or abuse of city rules and to know the server rules
Listen to your High commands
and last but not least: No racism, we will not tolerate racism in any form

6.Family Ranks

10) Owner: (Making the major decissions together with the co-owners)

9) Co-owner: (He/she is a co-owner and He makes all major decissions together with all the owners, designated duties between ranks, and holds maximum power and responsibility.)

8) High command: (He/she is a high command and is responsible for multiple tasks in the family, Also including our own Internal Affairs)

7) Event manager: (He/She is a high command, he is respected by all lower ranks and is responsible for the day-to-day running of events. He/she reports to one of the owners/co-owners directly.)

6) Recruiter: (He/She has the responsibility of recruiting new family members and guiding them to the right direction.)

5) junior manager: (He/She has shown to the family he is loyal, reliable, and trustworthy they have a good relationship with the leaders of the family. They are the low command position within the family and have the responsibility of making small decisions during the day running the Black Mamba Family and points ranks lower than themselves in the right direction.)

4) Captain: (He/She has been in the family for over two months and has proven themselves to be loyal to the family and others and has shown their ability to protect the family and higher ranks. They show a glimpse of leadership and keep Soldiers in line with the Black Mamb morals.)

3) Soldier: (He/She made members of the family who serve primarily as foot soldiers he/she make sure the ranks below him understand the rules of the family and gain loyalty to the family and others. They will carry out more advanced and sensitive tasks than an junior member would be able to.)

2) Junior member: (He/She is a low-ranking member who serves as the enforcer of the family, who has been in the family for two weeks. They will be asked to carry out menial tasks by higher ranks to assist the family. They are not yet officially part of the family but carry out tasks on their behalf.)

1) Trainee: (He/She is a newcomer to the family he/she is still learning the rules of the family and to be asked to perform certain tasks to prove they are worthy.)

7.Family Top

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