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Tommy Specterr

Feb 20, 2023
Personal Information

1. Your name IRL: Gurpreet
2. Your age:
20 / IC: ( 41 )
3. Time zone:
4. Average online per day:
8-10 hours on weekends, 5-8 hours on normal days
5. Your Discord: laddisangha
6. Your Nickname:
Laddii sangha
7. Your ID: 272547

Additional information:

1. Leader of National Guard 💕

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 so basically now its a dream to get NG this time after i had 2 interview for the leadership and i know i did some mistakes and i realise to i need to improve my self and give my best and i m worked from my starting days for ng and i spent almost 6 months in ng and part of a all department so i hope this time i get a chance to prove my self .

2.2 Make NG Active

-attend events
-do gatekeeping
-participate in globals and store robberies
-do ammo runs properly for other organizations

I'm gonna make sure it is a Fun Term for them with strict rules to max out the roleplay and make NG the best org Out of the state orgs.

2.3 There will be no favoritism everyone will be fair promotions for their hard work and time so they can be do great work with us and always be some of soilders for ammo runs and help other LEO orgs and as a Genral of National Guard i will try to be most active and friendly with my soilders.

2. A: The organization is already great, And I want to keep it running good like it is now. The current leader is doing great and with the past 4 terms NG with doing a great contribution to help others with a great numbers of soilders so I want to continue that path and run NG.

2. B: in my upcoming term i i want to host daily trainings on base which would be personally supervised by me or my high commands , and i will try to have alot of numbers in ng, i want to make sure that daily we do these type of combat / convoy / communication training . and i will be make sure that all departments have good strenght to handel any situations.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

Bodycam is the most important thing for NG because we are raided alot and for this reason im gonna make sure all my Soldiers are Focused on following basic / commands all the time too Avoid any OOC rule breaks or IC sues and to make sure everyone have their body cams on even if they are just doing gate duties.

b) Firstly national guard is army so i will be focusing on getting more numbers in national guard specially getting old ng members back , daily conducting mass recruitments so we always have units with well trained.

C) I will be careful with warehouse permission and who i give HC to and only trusted people and i will be make sure New Recruits will be trained properly about all the locations of base and Treat All Members with respect and help them become strong soldiers and max out their skills,with no complaints againts any of my soilders and and make feel proud National Guard again.

d) as i already told in my past applications i wants to add something new for promotions for that we will be set targets for all ranks below High commands and when they compleate that from the confirmation of High commands they will be promoted to the next rank with a bonus amount and it was more intresting to complete the tasks and help for fair promotions.

E) Finally by In our e-mail system, we can work on rules with interactive seminars for base knowledge etc. This brings us one step closer to a smoother role-playing experience and its helps all of us for running NG with enjoyable and most memorable term.

f) included me and my High Commands always try to maintain the integrity of the organization on a daily basis by checking gates to make sure they're not blocked, no sleeping units on duty, and keeping everyone on their toes in case of any emergencies, globals or raids, also being one of the most diplomatic HC's when it comes to dealing with other organizations and their needs and aside from that, being highly professional in the department chat as well.


1. Air Force (AF) :-

Their work will be to
- Scout around for activites and gave information to others orgs for possible raids , robberys around the highways , hostage situations
- Providing Air Support for ammo runs
- Helping units for quick backup and helps soilders for droping somewhere

2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) :-
- Hire soldiers for organization
- Give them proper training about ( Use of PDA, How and where to place spikes, Gatekeeping duties, Uniforms, Loadout, etc. )
- Maintain discipline in the base

3. Special Forces (SASD) :-
- The first ones to respond to globals and locals
- They will be leading all types of situations like the NG raid, Ghetto Patrol etc..

4. Military Police (MP) :-
- Their work will be to do inspections of logs and all the NG soldiers that they have proper health checkup, Gun license, will be checking everyone's car trunks and background for any criminal or illegal status..
-petrolng in base ( no illegal parkings , not blokings any entrance , protects base from bendits )

5. Public Relations:-
- It will be a department that will take care of internal problems between units and create some small events for Ng so its not be boring any more
- Their work will be to Hosts events within the city, and connects with other organizations to plan events! so the citizens are' more be attract to join LEO's

Ranking System


General (Org Leader)
Lieutenant General (Org Deputy)
Major General ( 3 Spots )
Colonel ( 3 spots )
Lt. Colonel ( 4 spots )
1st Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major (NON-NCO's)
First Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Platoon Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Corporal III
Corporal II
Corporal- ( From here on you can join all divisions )
Specialist III
Specialist II
Private First Class
Private II
Leave of Absence

My LEO Experiences

-6 terms as NG ( colonel )
-3 and half terms as GOV ( chief of staff )
-2 term as LSPD ( lieutenant )
-2 terms as SAHP ( chief )

MY Main Goal Would Be To Make NG ON TOP !
Thanks For Reading My Application. 💕
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