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Scorpion Gangster

Mar 29, 2023
Family Name :The Real Gangster
Family House Number : 219
Family Owner Name : Scorpion_Gangster | 95770
Family Owner Forum Profile : Scorpion Gangster
Family Owner Discord: scorpiongangster

The Real Gangster was a prominent and powerful criminal organization in El Salvador . Led by the charismatic patriarch, Scorpion Gangster , they controlled a vast network of illegal activities, from drug trafficking to extortion. The Real Gangster were known for their unwavering loyalty to one another and their ruthless pursuit of power.However, their empire came crashing down due to a shocking betrayal from within. Gugi , celina’s own brother and a high-ranking member of the family, conspired with rival criminal factions to overthrow Scorpion and take control of the family's operations.In a brutal coup, gugi seized power, leaving Celina injured and humiliated. Fearing for their lives, Celina and her trusted family member was also know as her right hand Drew ,fled out from El Salvador in the dead of night, leaving behind their once-mighty criminal empire.Their journey brought them to the sprawling metropolis of Los Santos, where they hoped to rebuild their criminal syndicate from the ground up. Scorpion and Drew adopted new identities, blending into the chaos of the city while plotting their revenge against gugi and those who had betrayed them.Life in Los Santos was challenging as they started from scratch. Scorpion and Drew immersed themselves in the criminal underbelly of the city, forming alliances and slowly regaining their lost influence.Celina didn’t stop there as she was immersed in criminal activities she slowly started building her empire again in los santos by giving it the same identity The Real Gangster.

Family Goals:-
To Help NewComers
Get Good Alliance With Strong Famillies
Own As Many As Business We Can
Be The Richest Family
Be In The TOP 10

Family Rules:-
1)Attend as much as family events
2)Be respectful with Family Member
3)Don't talk about anyone badly
4)Never Use Cheats Or Mods or Any glitches
5)No Stealing From Family
6)Always Maintain Good RP
7)Always Follow Leaders Orders and Don't Break RP Rules

Family Ranking System :

Rank 1- Freeze
These are the new people's in the family. Who knows basic RP rules.

Rank 2 - Member
This is the rank when they are trained and they start doing basic family works and quests.

Rank 3 -Leos
These People Looks After Small Business Like Solar Plantation And Plantation Business

Rank 4 - Gangster
They Are Assistants Of Navigator , They Help Navigators in training and other works. So that Family Doesn't Get Strikes And Warning.

Rank 5 - Claper
They Are The Spy's And They Search For Places to Raid And Gather Info. And They Also Do Training Of Rank 1 and 2.

Rank 6 - Management
They Are The Helpers Of Lieutenant , They Convey All The Important Messages To High Command And Deputy's.

Rank 7- Turffer
They Are Special People Hired To Recruit New People And Look After Them

Rank 8 – Under Deputy
They Manage And Keeps The Record Of Family Like Raids, Stocks, Warehouse, Business etc.

Rank 9 - Deputy
This is For All The Trustworthy Friends , Deputy And Investors Of The Family

Rank 10 - Leader
He Is The Leader Of The Family Who Owns and Runs It

Family Logo:-

Family Outfit:-

Harry King

May 11, 2022
I Accept your unofficial ORG bio, thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules, and don't go against the server scripts.
You will be given unofficial status within 48 hours in-game and discord.​
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